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Mat Smith!

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Everything posted by Mat Smith!

  1. So.... Whats the answer anyway? Mat
  2. Mat Smith!

    Bt Mod?

    , just give it 1010 WB and a bashplate. PLEAAAAAASE!! Mat
  3. Yuuuuup lol. Anyway, Zoo mod, Echo easy, lites, teams, Koxx Forxx, Monty X-lites, 221ti. Mat
  4. Lol, he lives near me, he's gone to Koxx days . Mat
  5. Some people.... Lol Looks nice, doesn't Waynio ride one now? Mat
  6. Ah, niceone Ali. I've got a vid of someone on a man made course, could send over msn or whatever. Might be what your looking for. Mat
  7. CLS used to run a maggy, with the black Zoo forks, I'm sure he did. At nass? . Nevermind me if I'm talkin crap lol. Mat
  8. Koxx? Echo? Zoo? (older, CLS) Monty? Got lots of choice without going to disk.. Mat
  9. It was really good, too much slow-mo though, got quite boring, good riding though. Mat
  10. Just use Imageshack untill you get validated. Mat
  11. Jeesus.... By the sounds of things, Waynio was on it aswell, ages ago, riding a woodstock proto. Get it? Mat
  12. Bout 6 ft or summet' Mod.. Into a tree... Mat
  13. The Echo and Onza stem are the same, just the price difference. Mat
  14. Well good. I'm bein' serious, since the first vid. Thats mint, sidehops are you? I really cannot sidehop Well mint.. Mat
  15. If he was running 20" he would have a 19" front and back rims? Mat
  16. Your site is sooooo good!! did you code it 'n' everything yourself!! NICE! Mat
  17. Glue it back in? or just leave it. It'll be reet . Mat
  18. Depends on BB rise? frame? Mat
  19. Mat Smith!

    New Cranks

    Before you start gettin' all these cranks, eno, forks or whatever. Why not get a new frame? t-pro? 2nd hand maybe? Then upgrade the cranks. Mat
  20. TwentyfourinchedtrialsbikewithaMTBseatmostofthetime. or 24? Mat
  21. Mat Smith!

    New Cranks

    Haahahaha, oh dear. Mat
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