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Mat Smith!

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Everything posted by Mat Smith!

  1. New members acctually know nothing at all. Why would that help?? They are one of the longest frames goin'. I've only seen one broken Zona, and it was the prototype, and I've seen many XTP's snapped. And many other places? like on the massive CNC chunks? and the huge drop outs? yuuup... OH DEAR. Mat
  2. Puuuurfik, looks well nice Phil. Mat
  3. Tars black. Eh..... Hmm.. And Echo 06 rims have a thinker anodizationerethingy . So it doesn't come off any time soon. Mat
  4. Hope mono trial 160 on a mod, no need for anything else, seriously. Mat
  5. Kool stops with tar. EDIT: Btw, it's a shite brake. Mat
  6. FatMike sent it to someone on OTN I think, or some forum. Try PM/MSN him, or wait for a reply maybe. Looked like a fairly decent job aswell. Mat
  7. Way too short for you? even though it's pretty much the longest frame available, what frame are you riding now? Mat
  8. Not much, there all pretty much old parts. About 300 maybe? Mat
  9. You have to be joking, you really do. Mat
  10. Mat Smith!


    It's for both I think. Will I still be able to run my King BMX? or is that different spacing? I'm sure it's the same. Mat
  11. Mat Smith!


    Get the 180, 160's alright, but once it gets the slightest bit hot it goes shocking. Id go for the 180 anyway. Mat
  12. Rob (terror) uses a Tensile freewheel, bashring and old Tensile cranks, I don't think I've heard any problems from him . Mat
  13. Mat Smith!


    Ooooooooo I thought you was talking about the frame at the top of the page, and the title of the thread. . Mat
  14. Do they not have different oil types? And would it not kill the seals? in the lever or caliper. Mat
  15. Mat Smith!


    It's a mod frame.. Mat
  16. Just GU and Echo then, yeah. And there all out of a catalogue or something anyway. Mat
  17. Looks well nice dan, really does. Mat
  18. Try a spoon? your gonna' have to use something, but spoons will bend. Screwdriver.... Go on... Mat
  19. Mat Smith!


    Sex. Always wanted an Adamant mod . Mat
  20. Get TM2 off trials media. Well good. Mat
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