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Mat Smith!

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Everything posted by Mat Smith!

  1. Yeah, looks nice. I like it. Mat
  2. Just cut it into the shape of the backing, and glue it in, it's probs not going to be that good first time, so it doesn't really matter if it's not the best of jobs, remember to try and find a harder compound for grinds, because soft rubber will just dissapear, e.g... Shoe's or summeeeeet' . Mat
  3. You can fit them easily, Waddy was using lites with his XTP and he cut his down and has a 5mm spacer I think, hes changed frames now and it's just the same, have you tryed it yet in the frame? or is that just from measurement? Mat
  4. Iolopads are awsome, and I know where to get it . Hmmmmmmm.... Just find some rubber and try out lots of different stuff, till you find something goooooood. Mat
  5. Put them zoo's on a harsh grind for maximum performance . Mat
  6. No you don't, you can bodge them. Mat
  7. Lol???? He asked for peoples opinions, pro's and con's So people gave him theres? Mat
  8. Echo 06's anodization is thicker than try alls, so it doesn't come off, or hardly. Mat
  9. Mint vid mate, I well enjoyed it, really really good riding 'n' everything. Wasn't a fan of the music but the editing and riding was really good. Mat
  10. Nice rim hahaha, f**kin awesome Damon!!!!!! Mat
  11. Wooooooo mega slow download... But who cares??????? woooo... Mat
  12. Tin foil, maybe before you start another topic, put it in the random questions or something? Mat
  13. King?Profile?Echo?Monty?Bikegas? Either FFW which people use, or Profile/King which people use with hs33's anyway. Not very good on street aparently, no modulation, or too much or something I dunnoooooo'. Mat
  14. New members are acctually full of f**kin' shit. Really are! Them ZHI mod frames are shit, ive seen like 20 crack in that massive cnc block, f**kin' shit, and echo teams, them holes are well shit, propper crackyyyy happyyyyyyy. oh my god. Really starting to annoy me now. Mat
  15. King because IT MAKEZ A KOOWL NOIZE!!!!!!!!11111. And I just really really trust mine, where as I've never trusted my ACS, never tryed any freewheel better than an ACS though, Dictaaaaaa. Mat
  16. That frame is fooked. Hahhaha, nice one Matt!! Mat
  17. Mat Smith!

    Beau New Vid

    Awsome video, reaaaaaally good, enjoyed it alot. Going quite big with that zoo! Nice! Mat
  18. It's the same, but with the 06 ti paint job. Guess what the 08 pr's going to look like. Mat
  19. Coust. Plaz in the hot. Greens in the wet. COUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSTTTT. Mat
  20. Yeah engage 6 has tunni in it, I've got it, but I'm goin' out, so I'll upload it later or something if you still havent got it. And JT has all the Zoo! videos uploaded on egigodooeoemeoentod or whatever somewhere, give it a search. Mat
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