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Everything posted by Phatmike

  1. Phatmike


    I've never previously suffered from dry/sensitive skin, but recently the skin between my big toe has become incredibly dry, but i left it for a little while. After rubbing in to tea-tree antiseptic cream, it's definately noticabley less dry, and less irritating, and i'm sure by keeping to use it, it should get better. Any semi decent moisturising cream should do the trick, just do it whenever you remember to. :ermm: Mike.
  2. Phatmike

    Inner Tube

    Oh yeah, i actually forgot about that. :) Yeah, if you really want to eliminate pinches, go tubeless. :ermm: Although i've discovered that watering down the latex before putting it in your tyre is a must. It might not seal as quickly, but it'll stop the latex drying in the tyre! Mike. :) :P
  3. I'm sure that I, and a few other of the worcester crew will head down some time in the week, will confir within the next couple of days. :ermm: However, i'm sure there's some more local people who are more likely to come out. :) Mike.
  4. Phatmike

    Inner Tube

    Try that before worrying about tubes. Mike. :)
  5. Yeah, where Ali C lives (might explain a lot :)), near blackstone edge. :ermm: Best Post Ever. :)"
  6. Quite ironic that - considering Hepden bridge is the lesbian capitol of the UK. :ermm:
  7. Phatmike

    Inner Tube

    One thing to definately try, is even with just a normal tube, when you're putting the tyre on, put loads of talcum powder in there. (In between the tyre and tube) This means there is less friction between tube and tyre, so is a lot less likely to pinch. :ermm: Give it a try. :) Mike.
  8. We've got a Horneyold Road, Minge Lane, and a couple of other funny ones in malvern. :ermm: Mike.
  9. Phatmike

    Koxx Products

    Thus the "paint jobs" I think Lee knows that hope anodise! :) Mike. :ermm:
  10. Yeah tom, i know there's a bus from llandudno to the junction, but it's still going to take about 6 hours to get back, with about 5 changes... Whereas it's only about 2 hours from chester. :) Trains back from chester on sunday night. :ermm: It looks like i'll be driving up very early on sunday morning with Tim Stedman anyway for the comp. :) Mike.
  11. Hey guys. :sleeping: Basically, i really want to go to the thing in wales this weekend, except it's a 4 1/2 hr train journey, and there's no trains back on sunday. However, going to chester only takes 2 hrs, and there's loads of trains back on sunday. If anyone is driving down to the comp tomorrow morning, would it be possible to give me a lift to llandudno? I'd happy contribute to petrol money. Let me know ASAP if you can. Mike. (N) P.s. If you can take me, and i'm not online, give me a ring- 07870191382
  12. Phatmike

    Click Me !

    It would be Sharn's old frame. It would be my old frame. It would be David Howell's old frame. (N) It looks really nice one mate, hope it serves you well. :sleeping:
  13. Super short stays suck! 390mm's where it's at. However, i really do like that design of bb + yolk. :sleeping: It's also an interesting thing they've done with the bb - chainstay area on the team, maybe it will combat the fatigue + stress put on the frame from the bash plate? But yes, they do look very nice frames, some great features, but let's just hope not all frames go into the high bb, uci style bikes, something like the pure was great as a "street trials" bike, whereas the hi-fi will be uci dominated... Ah well. Mike.
  14. A question for you. What advantages do you get from the shuffle over most other mp3 players? Apart from the higher price tag, and no screen. (N) For the money you'd be spending on one, just go on ebay, and get yourself a "normal" one. :sleeping: Mike.
  15. Phatmike


    Quality vid, mint riding. :sleeping: That gap waynio did looks even bigger in real life! It is pretty sick. Nice one for getting it all up lee. (N) Mike.
  16. French is a pile of piss. :P Just ask anyone who went to koxx days. (Y) Anyway, i believe this thread has served it's purpose; well done Sam. :lol:
  17. No, i think that you'd use * friends' *, when you were say talking about a group of your friends owning something, eg. The house is my friends'. (Meaning belonging to more than one friend) Meh, english sucks... :lol:
  18. *Noticed. *I believe its "friend's", as the apostrophe shows possetion? Just a quick hint. :P Mike. :lol:
  19. Shootin Goon - Left for dead. Shootin Goon - Splott Side Rocksteady. I believe those are the only 2 cd's i've ever bough. Ever. :lol: Mike.
  20. *Cough Some good 'shoppage anyway. (Y)
  21. Apparently there's 2 places called orford, one in warrington, one in suffolk. Which? (Y) I doubt it's oxford, as he's spelt it "orford" twice... Mike. :lol:
  22. Haha, that's brilliant. Reminds me of the "Fatmike campfire" on the saturday night. :ermm: No quote yet, although i did rather like this picture: We noticed the urrm, "bulge" too, so we filmed him for a few minutes on sexymike's camera. (N)
  23. *Koxxtellier. :D I got back about 20 mins ago, and am so tired! I've got to go to school in a bit aswell. :S It really was an amazing weekend, if you ever get the chance to go to buthiers, do. There's just so much riding, acres and acres of rocks, with limitless lines. The competition was awsome, the sections were really sweet, a really good mix of lines, and some amazing riding going down (and back up again) by everyone. Big thanks to Jack Meek for driving us all the way down there and back, and to Nick Goddard and his parents for letting me stay at their house last night. (Was no trains back that late!) There was just too many good moments to recall, it really was one of the best weekend ever! The chinese meal on sunday night was hilarious. And the camp fire. :D Big thanks to all the english lot for making it such a fun weekend, sexymike for going round the comp with me. (Me + Mike were the only people out of our lot doing inter :)) Top weekend, expect some crazy shizzle on the Glasseye DVD. Mike. :)
  24. Phatmike

    New Video.

    I swear i've got one of that guy's previous vids, i think it's on the pc at my dads house, in which case, i won't have it. It was also some pretty good editing, but not quite as creative as this. I think it was called 1 yr riding, or something. Anyway, yeah, fair play to the guy who made the vid, anyone know who he is/recognise any of the spots? It obviously must have taken some time! (Y) Mike. (Y)
  25. Right, i need to know ASAP. ZOO! '04 pitbull, ISIS middleburns, standard bash, whats the absolute shortest axle you can use? Thanks, Mike. (Y)
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