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Everything posted by Phatmike

  1. Made in Pro Desktop, 110% real. (Yes I know i've got radial on the wrong side, but it's too late now)
  2. Made in Pro Desktop, 110% real. (Yes I know i've got radial on the wrong side, but it's too late now)
  3. Made in Pro Desktop, 110% real. (Yes I know i've got radial on the wrong side, but it's too late now)
  4. Phatmike

    Echo Control Booster

    Made in Pro Desktop, 110% real.
  5. Phatmike

    Echo Control Booster

    Made in Pro Desktop, 110% real.
  6. Phatmike

    Echo Control Booster

    Made in Pro Desktop, 110% real.
  7. Phatmike

    Echo Control Booster

    Made in Pro Desktop, 110% real.
  8. I am only Ali C's "apprentice". (N) Unfortunately I've no experience with "proper" tubeless wheels, although I'm sure the process would be somewhat similar to that found here will be of some use. Google however, will provide some more direct information on the matter however. :) Edit: Yeah, as Tarty did. :D (Too slow) Good luck. Mike. (N)
  9. Phatmike

    To Kerrie...

    18 in 13 days. (Y) Anyway, happy birthday.... Edit: Si, have a look at this: http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=51981 It doesn't really matter mate. :D
  10. *Angle grinder. Simply anglegrind (or dremmel if you're being dainty) the head of the bolt off, so it will allow the chainring to slide over the top. You'll then be exposed with a few mm (depending on the thickness of the chainring) of bare thread, with no pressure on it, which you will be able to unscrew by hand. (N) All this will take about 5 seconds, tops. I've got one, if you're not man enough to get out the power tools, and none of the other methods work, give me a Pm, and i'll fire it your way. Mike. (Y)
  11. Pete, for the love of god, it's not funny now. You're a nice chap and all that, but the time has come to stop speaking out of your arse. I even just phoned webcyclery, and they even confirmed (that I thought already) that they did have a supply of Chris King Singlespeed Disks in pink. So no, you did not get it from "the man himself" Christopher King. So all these contacts in "high places" mean you still have been spending f**king ages wasting my time saying how as soon as "payday" comes (for the last 3? months) you'll have one off me instantly! Bearing in mind when you sued supercycles (which you then say you didn't, even though you were talking to Chris Radcliffe and I at the time), you became "minted", and had retired. You then continue to say how you don't want a SS Disk as they don't build up a dishless wheel, and use different sized spokes drive/non drive side, which is ofcourse, complete crap. Just once and for all, even though you've been told a million times, just stop saying bullshit! Mike. (N) P.s. The hub looks very nice.
  12. Nah, it's not that bad, especially on smaller stuff, when it can be very smooth, and even on bigger stuff too (done 6ft booning :turned:). It's also a very usefull skill, especially on natural! (Just ask matt burrows, today after our ride at braken; swap - boon up a very steep slope - get to the top - side hop. It would've been very difficult without sufficient boonage) Being very contradictory to the first part of my post, I have a video that will prove this. :) I'm just awaiting Steve-a to capture/send footage. And yeah, drops can be cool, just work your way up slowly from a small height, and be 100% commited to it. It's only when you're shitting bricks mistakes are likely to happen. Another technique to try is when compressing back, cock (backpedal) your pedals more than you would normally, although you don't actually kick harder, and more, it allows you to compress lower. (Y) Mike. ;)
  13. From the album: Fatmike

    £20 posted
  14. From the album: Fatmike

    £20 posted
  15. Phatmike

    Zoo Video 28!

    http://www.eengoedidee.nl/parsefiles/?type...oo_video_28.wmv Working link. :) Edit: Never mind, 1st link works now anyway. Downloading now.
  16. Just did it first go. :P It's really not that hard... He just goes "arrrgh, pfft." Then walks off. Was expecting more. :)
  17. Phatmike


    It actually sounded very erotic. :"> But anyway, if it's true, then fair play to the guy, it's not like he's going and just raping the hell out of them for "two minutes" :)" . Sounds like he knows what he's doing and is receiving and giving pleasure. Can't see that much wrong with that. :P
  18. Didn't realise there was this many people in Yr. 11! I'm doing AQA, seperate, higher sciences. So I do three 2 1/2 hour papers, and get a seperate grade for each. Kinda wish I'd have done more in my coursework, but ah well, didn't do too badly. The biology exam didn't go too badly, we really didn't actually get tought a lot of knowledge in our biology lessons, and so I/we've been left to revise (learn it for the first time) on our own. It was really weird, there was nothing on the heart, the eyes, biogas, etc, all of which I'd spent a little while revising. Luckily, the things I'd spent bugger all time revising on, but just saw a few quick words in my "revision guide" came up! Meh, guess I'm just lucky. (Y) Either way, good luck to everyone (not just GCSE kids) who's doing their exams/awaiting results. :D Mike.
  19. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=55066
  20. :wink2: :o And, no, I've never had a problem with them, always been a top shop. :( Mike.
  21. I've recently made the change to a Ti bash, but only 'cause i got it cheap. (Technically didn't pay anything, but anyway) Pros: Looks better Lighter More ground clearence Can use a shorter chain Cons: Expensive (Technically) puts 37.5% more force on a chain (compared to a 22t chainring), but I seriously doubt that if you're using a sensible chain it'll make any difference (On my bike anyway - with a kmc cool) - It's very sensitive to chainline, needs to be just right to avoid rubbing/not being smooth (Again on my bike - a control; with thick chainstay yolks) - The chain is very close to the chainstay yolks, so slaps more easily, but with a decent chain tensioner, it's not a problem. Either way, for me i'd say the pro's outweigh the cons, and was definately worthwhile getting it. :) Also, since dartmoor I'd been running 20:19, as I had to take a link out of my chain and had to put a 20t ring on to fit, and so i run 16:15, and it's really good for me. So as always, explore your options. Hope this was of some help to you. See the "bike pics" thread for pics of mon velo with the Ti Bash. :P Mike.
  22. Damn, left this a bit late, but bump! I hope everyone's still got a copy of their stickers! I'll be printing mine off now. Mike.
  23. Right, we're now going to get in to Oxford at 9:58 (supposedly), and then instead of getting the 10:06 to Radley, we're going to get the 11:06, which gives us an hour to ride Oxford. <_< On second thoughts, how many people will be getting the 11:06 train from Oxford? It sounds like it'll be bloomin' packed! It's a FGWL, but i'm not sure how big it'll be. Either way, i'm sure we can blag however many of us there'll be! Mike.
  24. I really enjoyed that, the whole thing just worked really nicely. Obviously fantastic riding, with a good mix of extremely powerful and technical moves; simplistic editing, which complimented both the riding, and the music well. Was nice being a comparitively short video, like your recent ones, definately show your talents in a much brighter light. Nicely done. Mike. <_<
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