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Everything posted by Phatmike

  1. Hope? Now £45!
  2. I wouldn't really say he's not technical, just that a lot of the lines in the vid weren't techy at all, but some (namely the fakie ride to 180 UP a wall!) were absolutely stunning (as were some of the "nutbar" lines). Really enjoyed that, absolutlely, incredibly..... gangster.
  3. And you'll be meeting me somewhere around the NEC!
  4. Todge didn't realise the two end bits were seperate, and was just screwing them on together.
  5. My technical expertise has once again saved the day.
  6. Best of Internet thread. You knows it.
  7. Wooo, need to get things sorted!! Now going with Patt Donovan, I've been chucked out of Camp Meek. :wink2: Still not booked: Ferry Camping Comp Who's coming Still trying to see if Ben Lee is coming with me & Patt! Can't wait though!
  8. Some really fantastic photographs, really well taken, and well composed, fantastic. Good use of photoshopping too. Nice one.
  9. Make that: "oh... it's snapped.... sh!t " Ah well, replacement on the way. And yeah, magura's aren't overpriced, stop complaining.
  10. Phatmike

    Glasseye Dvd

    Watched mine this evening, it's fantastic, definately worth the wait. Crash section is unbelievabley awesome, was laughing sooo much! Nice one Nicky.
  11. Phatmike


    Yeah, central trains are fine, that leg of your journey (Derby - Nottingham) is one that starts in Malvern - Malvern, Worcs, Birmingham, Derby, Nottingham. So yeah you'll be fine.
  12. Dunno, might head down with a couple of geezas. Will let you know nearer the time or summat.
  13. Bugger off - not done one peice of homework since I started the course!!
  14. Physics PSA1: 82/100 - A Maths C1: 89/100 - A French Unit1: 68/90 - B Dissapointed with the french, but will be re-taking it in may.
  15. Dammit, I thought this was Goddard's entry when I saw the title - got my hopes up!! Will download now anyways. :wink2:
  16. Nowhere near the split link.
  17. I really didn't get on with this chain, partly my own fault, but know quite a few people with similar (negative) opinions... Starters I found they just rusted really easily, I did clean and lube it a few times in the (just under) 4 months I had it, but even when I cleaned and lubed it properly, it rusted really quickly. The stiff links!! The entire chain was stiff, even though I loosened every link a few times, it was horrible, just so unsmooth and nasty. Then it snapped. [attachmentid=2811] Now running a KMC Kool, soooo much smoother. I think a KMC, replace it every 3 - 4 months > *.
  18. Whats the time shedule? Sign on, pre-trial briefing, etc. What time do we finish also... Is it 3 laps of 7 or 2 laps of 10? See y'all tomorrow. Mike.
  19. Speak to him on le msn. He cut it, but not enough.
  20. Yeah, they are making the ultimate again now, making it in Taiwan now, not USA, a whole 2g heavier too!! Wiggle is of no use to me, I'm after a replacement blade, not a whole lever.
  21. Nope, he's already done that, as tight as he could. The steerer is too long.
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