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Everything posted by Phatmike

  1. I think that's Mitch Payne, from the 'Sham. What a lad. Wanna scan it in?
  2. K, sorry. Let me rephrase that: Wales it shit, Hereford is shitter. :wink2:
  3. Just like to post what I've been thinking for a little while - it was a £20 entry fee, and a month on and not even the results have been given... It's a lot of cash for a trials comp, and it's hard to see where all the money has gone, you could have paid someone to at least sort the results out... I'm not really that fussed about who won, or what place I came, but I think that showing the riders something would be appreciated. Just my 2 cents.
  4. Yeah but Wales is shit. Few riders in Malvern & Worcester area, which aren't a million miles away at all.
  5. I thought most of the photos were mint, loving the distortion with the 10-22mm canon lens, and the off camera flash looks minto! Some awesome lines too. Nice find.
  6. Haha we've all done it. :$ [attachmentid=4527] [attachmentid=4528] [attachmentid=4529]
  7. [attachmentid=4514] There we go. Also in this issue: [attachmentid=4515] Go Aran.
  8. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....ndpost&p=926347
  9. The VTT trial club is the one near paris you wanna be going for. If I remember, it's about 20 mins train ride south west of the center. There's also one in Pau, (pronounced Po). I'm not sure how good it is, as we only drove past it on the way to the airport. And I've just seen you've spotted all the info on Nopogo, which makes this pretty irrelivant! Ah well!
  10. Does anyone drive up the M5 to get there? Looks like I'm not gonna be able to go unless I can get a lift from someone... Mike.
  11. Nice one Joeee. Riding getting better all the time, editing's looking nice too.
  12. Cheater. *Cough blue route fag *cough.
  13. I'm not gonna be riding for the next week and a half, frame is pretty much deaded. Should be coming to the tyketrial on sunday, who wants to give me a mod to ride?
  14. I don't. "....riding trials on bikes you can't even sit down on..."
  15. Alreet. Just watching sky one, a quick thing about trials being on tonight's vroom vroom. Anyone got any info? Who? Sky One at 8pm. I'll video record it if it's worth watching, got sky + so...
  16. Woo, i'll be there, headtube or no headtube! If it does completely go tomorrow, I'm stealing someone's bike! Arriving whatstandwell at 8:48, leaving 5:50am, on my own! Will be good fun though!
  17. Needless to say, I want that lens! The site you linked to is awesome, looks mega swish, nice one. Photos are mint too, shame you didn't bring it out later in the day. Edit: Wrong section though.
  18. Phatmike


    Mine's obvious, really!
  19. Yarrrrr she blows. [attachmentid=4226] Bit gutted, really hoping Tartybikes will be able to sort me out with something! Was a cool ride however, made a couple of pleasing lines. Happy birthday ian!
  20. Nice one Dejan! Full length thing will be awesome! I've already told you I'm definately coming next year. Only 3 weeks 5 days and I'll be at your place! Laters.
  21. Dang skip i'll be attending this here occasion. Catch you there.
  22. Awww. I'd like to say sorry to my ass for falling on it in Birmingham, so sore! (Vid up soon probably haha)
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