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Everything posted by Phatmike

  1. Exactly, for £140, I would expect Ti axles, and magnesium bodies. Colours look wank. I really can't see how they've managed to justify their prices, their hubs are just as expensive as a top king hub, and with seemingly a lot less info. Ah well who knows, they might be awesome.
  2. No, a fair few of the pics were with the 10-22 on a 20d.
  3. Hey guys. Been sat around all day today waiting for Parcel Force to turn up! They finally decide to arrive at 4:30! Was very pleased when they came though. She's beautiful. 1070 Wb 375 Stays +10mm Bb rise 72 degree head angle Very stiff built in booster, curved top tube, gussets, ovalised downtube, gussets etc etc. Not much more to it. Big thanks to Aran @ IOLObikes. Top bloke. Just shows how brilliantly you can "ride your ideas" Here's the design I originally sent IOLO: I reckon he's done damn well! Back riding! Yaaay.
  4. Oh god. The rake of the forks isn't going to affect the feel of the bike. It's the length of the frame and other componants which make the difference. Quit worrying.
  5. I've never done any "proper" revision, so to speak. All I do is past papers, then if I don't know something, or get it wrong, find out how to do it. For me it's the best way. Feel free to revise until whenever you want, but make sure you just listen to music, and relax for the last hour or so before the exam. Works for me!
  6. I like my Bell Faction. http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=8613 It fits great, comfy, looks decent on my shaped head, cheap, and comes in loads of colours. Halfords sell them for £15 now, so you may aswell go down and try them out.
  7. Yeah man some awesome lines in there, as Joe said the manual line was sweet. Some huge gaps too, great mix. Although I would say that 50 odd meg is more than twice as big as it needs to be for a 2 minute video, try compressing it to VCD mpeg? Good vid that.
  8. Yeah, you can't buy them unfortunately, it's so tight for space on the spider. You can however drill out a shimana DX cog. It's only £3 if you cock it up too.
  9. Haha. The promo video's about 2 3/4 years old. Should start working on a new vid soon.
  10. Aright guys, just got round to uploading my old videos to the shack. Here they are in chronological order: Thought some people might be vaguely interested. Mike
  11. I'll actually vote for a shuffle. I got bought one by my step brother for Xmas, and was a bit weary at 1st, but it's actually really good. Battery life is great, I charge it up like once a week! Holds at least 250ish songs, more if you compress them a bit. Tough as hell, mine's dropped out my pocket, been run over, and smashed, but still works brilliantly. Cheap. Easy to use, especially when you're on your bike etc, as you're not distracted by the screen. Very light weight.
  12. Stif are who I'd immediately thing of for Fox, I think they have more stock than Bikedock too. (Who can also be bastards ) Just ordered a new Fox bag from Stif last night actually, £3 postage, 1st class apparantly, doesn't sound too bad. Mike.
  13. King are adamant about their warranties, they're the best in the business as far as I've ever come across! Give them a call on 001 800 523 6008 (really sad I know that off by heart :$ ), they're 8 hours behind us. Or if that's too pricey, give Adrian Knapp an email at info@chrisking.com, he's the guy in charge of technical support and warranty. Once you've spoken to them, they'll give you a 5 digit RA number, which you mark on the front of the box, and then post it to: Warranty King Cycle Group 2801 NW Nela Street Portland, Oregon 97210 I could almost guarantee you king'll sort you out free of charge, I've sent back hubs that were in aweful condition and been very nearly entirely replaced and sent back to me free of charge! Remember to stress to them when they send it back to you to mark it as repaired and only the bit's they've actually replaced, ie bearings, as replaced on the customs info form. Mike. Edit: I've just actually read what you've written, and it sounds like your snap ring has popped out, this is the flat ring peice of metal, which is cut so it can "snap" in, holding everything together. http://chrisking.com/tech/tech_movies/remove_seal.mov There's a video showing you what I mean about removing it, although there's not one about reinstalling it, it's pretty straightforward.
  14. Phatmike

    New Video Of Me.

    Literally jaw dropping riding, absolutely brilliant. The line at 2:00, sidehopping over onto the corner of the rails, wow. Mint song too! Looks like I'm gonna set a date and come up north for a few days! Who wants to host me! Edit: Wow, one of the very few videos I've actually wanted to watch again straight after. Good work!
  15. I'll get back from Slovenia about 8 hours before I have to leave to get there, but I'll be there! As will at least 8 or so other local guys.
  16. Sorry will, forgot, street is cool right now. 180 gap 180 gap 180 gap 180 gap 180 gap 180 gap 180 gap 180 gap 180 gap 180 gap 180 gap 180 gap 180 gap 180 gap 180 gap 180 gap ....
  17. Gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap gap.
  18. Lookin good Ian, looks a bit to normal if you ask me. :wink2: Just don't get a rear Echo tyre!!
  19. To have ridden in the past 15 days! To get my sodding crank bolt out. A bigger camera bag, mine's too small already. That'll do for now.
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