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Everything posted by Phatmike

  1. Little late, but have paypalled some cash for tickets. Have fun.
  2. Hahahaha at those shorts lmfao!! Look like a wannabe Mr Motivator or something! But some beastly moves going down there mate, definately getting the hang of this TGS lark! Mikey.
  3. You lads missed some serious pie action oot.
  4. Noone else? Fiiiiiiiiiine. See you there patt/pauly (hopefully)
  5. Birthday beats when you get to my house in 3 hours. Edit: Birthday *fly over the bars* :wink2: Happy day Mr Rob.
  6. And the brake with no fluid in it. I had a bleed kit in my bag too, haha.
  7. Nice post. It means it was nice.
  8. Hey guys. Had my IOLO stolen from college today, it was locked up, all they left was my card from the last national round, which was in my front wheel. Loved that bike I did. If anyone sees it anywhere, (most likely around the worcester/south birmingham area), on the interenet, on ebay, or even sees any Orange Chris King parts being sold, let me know ASAP. Mike.
  9. Monty Boy? Wrong chap. Urrm, I'm not sure, I wouldn't imagine so...?
  10. Aright guys. Me + Janson are heading down to Bristol on Sunday, for a bit of a sesh. Obviously anyone else is more than welcome to join us. I can't see the weather changing much from this: http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/5day.shtml?id=1263 We'll get into Bristol Temple Meads around 20 to 12. Hopefully see you guys there. Mike.
  11. Aright guys. Me + Janson are heading up to Braken rocks on saturday, for a bit of a sesh. Obviously anyone else is more than welcome to join us. I can't see the weather changing much from this: http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/5day.shtml?id=1643 We'll get into whatstandwell station around quarter past 12. Hopefully see you guys there. Mike.
  12. Number 5 is enough reasoning alone! :wink2: But I would also reccomend you go along the lines of a budget DSLR, such as the Nikon D50, or, the Canon 350d, which is what myself and Mark use. Jessops are usually very competitive on prices, and currently a 350d with the kit lens is about £485: http://jessops.co.uk/Store/s28045/0/Digita...ex=1&comp=y If you do plan on taking decent photos, a DSLR isn't essential by all means, but it certainly does help, and the fact they're so customisable, with different lenses, memory cards, flash guns, battery grips etc etc means it will help take the kind of pics you want to take! Plus there are lots of people here, including myself who'll more than happily offer advice, heck I've not even been "into" photography for over a year, but feel I have learned a tremendous amount! As for memory cards, you can even get a 1gb one with a more than reasonable speed for around £20! http://www.emartbuy.co.uk/products.php?prodid=120 http://www.7dayshop.com/catalog/product_in...&r=20060425 If you fancy spending the bit extra, a DSLR would be a fantastic tool to increase your learning curve of photography! Your myspace pics would improve no end. Mike.
  13. I've not found a problem having a non-sprung tensioner (the Fresh Products). I've slammed onto it pretty hard a number of times, and never snapped a hanger, and the fixed tension never gave me any grief... I'd just go with one of those!
  14. To make a better pics of a snapping frame than just a drop.
  15. Phatmike

    Digital Cameras

    *Cough* Edit: Yeah, just thought the Olly was worth noting. :wink2:
  16. Some cool riding going on there, and the photos look ok, I just reckon they need a bit of a photoshopping to boost the shadows and reduce the highlights! Would make lots of difference. And as has been said, a bit of cropping would be ace. Thanks for sharing though! Mike.
  17. I do apolagise for my lack of social skills today! I was extremely tired from last night, the sun was killing me, and my ankle is now dead! Untill next time.
  18. Haha sucks to be England!
  19. I tried riding in the heat today, it didn't work! Please don't make the sections long. See you all in the morning!
  20. When I blew my wheel up on Friday, I just strapped my bike by the frame to my bag, using the available straps. Worked a treat. Back got a little sore after half an hour of walking though!
  21. Needless to say I'm very glad I don't have orange rims cranks and bars too! Thought you had a 10d Biff? Why'd you use some random compact, out of interest? Ah well.
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