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Everything posted by Phatmike

  1. Aah that guy's funny. I've had a couple of confrontations with him in the past - nearly hit me a few times. Good on you for filming it. Despite the fact that he's not doing anything wrong in asking us to move on, if he wasn't a complete penis about it then noone would have any problems.
  2. Awesome Matt - nice one! Summed up the week well for me, fair play buddy.
  3. Nah, you can do batch processing with PS! Just record what you want to do as an action, then file > automate > batch process.
  4. As Max said, I wouldn't consider using any other one. In the past I've had them for as long as 2-3 years with no problems ever.
  5. You are JOKING!! I spent two hours fitting gears on earlier this afternoon. Arrgh All for the best however.
  6. Email stevebarry1978 AT hotmail.com He did all my stuff, and is great. mike.
  7. Word. I've said it before, ultra wide-angles don't work for trials. I really like the shots taken with the longer lens, great bokeh. 70-200 f/4?
  8. Where's a smug smiley when you need one.
  9. Yeah, I know what you mean with that, try stiffer shoes and larger platform pedals. I get a cramping pain in the arch of my foot when I ride with floppier shoes/smaller pedals. Try riding slightly closer to the ball of your foot.
  10. Pop down to my house if you want mate, and I'll show you what you need to do. But yeah, just needs cleaning out with GT85. It's what I use and like almost all people, never have any problems.
  11. I'm there. I'll try and bring my cranks this time too.
  12. http://www.photobysergio.fr/kossdays-2007.html Those too.
  13. Yeah exactly, it's a b*****d. Got my power upto 75% as well haha. Fat Pants, stop winging, it's a little game which you spent like half an hour on..
  14. Proper stuck on level 14!!
  15. Once I've heard an offical agreement from the parties organising the comps this year what is actually going on, then I'll see if I'm going or not.
  16. That game's actually awesome. Can get some proper moves down too, got some nice gaps on the go and everything.
  17. Yeah, correct. Certainly wasn't the best way to tackle that ash!
  18. Ah jesus, I managed to get 4 minutes into the vid, but had to close it! Can't deal with stuff like that. But yeah, I'm sure it'll all go great John - good luck. Break a leg.
  19. As another rider, I'm incredibly confused as to what's going on! Is the event at Bracken rocks even taking place? Michael.
  20. Nice one Steve - congrats on the launch! These have been in the pipeline for nearly 7 months now, so it's great to see it finally announced. They are indeed excellent; brilliantly made, work great, and look fantastic. Good job!
  21. Phatmike


  22. £180! I paid £110 for mine! However, you'll enjoy it.
  23. Argh, silly powercut, lost what I was typing... Anyways. Optical triggers are fairly reliable when it's dark, can work over long distances. They do work in the daylight too, just obviously not to the same distance. The cheap triggers don't work very reliably past 5m or so, whereas my pocket wizards will do over 100X that (1600ft). (Part of the panorama I did recently)
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