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Everything posted by Phatmike

  1. Aright lads. My 18th on the 31st, last year had my B'day in Slovenia, thinking I'll bring it closer to home this time round! So basically, Thursday 31st of May, we're planning to go paintballing, and then a night out. It'll be in the Worcester area, and there'll be a place to crash at mine. (This is all assuming you're a mate and not some random lamo I don't know. ) Paintballing is £15 inc 100 paintballs, obviously more balls will be extra maybe a. Cost of night out depends how many drinks you buy me. So yeah, if people are interested, post here and catch me on MSN! It's half term for those of you at college, and there's a nasty bug going round for those of you at work. :wink2: Let me know.
  2. For £1250, I really do hope the price is "still to be confirmed and subject to change"!
  3. Haha, yeah t'was wayne. Proper villiage wheel.
  4. 3/32" http://www.diytools.co.uk/diy/Main/Product...ProductID=19756
  5. "Can we keep him mummy?"
  6. Ah no way! Rode Merthyr a little while ago - t'is an ace place. Lets just hope it doesn't rain.
  7. Wow Joe, that image quality looks great for a Nikon, nice one!
  8. I've got a Felt Q250, around £270ish, and has been great! Looks the nuts too.
  9. Me & Matt Burrows are coming, we're gonna be late... See you there.
  10. I ordered a set the other week. Should be here soon... Came to under £25 - http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=200099922855
  11. 'Ere mwoite, wa' ba' fa' dick'eeeed. Good stuff Joe, nice one mate.
  12. 2nd hand middleburns. I managed to get mine, ISIS, with the super pro Ti bashguard for £45. (Now running the heatsink one)
  13. "Mecha-Streisand" Episode 12. Took 10 seconds to find on google.
  14. Haha, yes! She was fun. :wink2:
  15. Most, if not all of the "fishy" ones were at 10mm. It's certainly a lot less extreme than my 8mm peleng was! Let me know your resolutions and I'll sort some out. Mike.
  16. Anyone else think that Cream 'n cheesy Nik Naks are the greatest crisps in the world? What happened to Flipz? Chocolate covered pretzels - they were the nuts. Edit: Well they weren't nuts, they were pretzels, but they were nice.
  17. Aww man. Gonna get seriously shown up in Slovenia - he's got skills!
  18. Ouch - rolled ankles suck. Be prepared to be not riding for much longer than two weeks! Just found these of when I did mine a while back:
  19. Ah sorry, Raw is a file format, it basically is what the camera captures before doing the processing and saving the Jpeg, so you've got much more detail in the image to work with. I shot in total 1200 pics (1st file name - last file name from the trip), and dunno how long it took, used 4 cards, must've been about an hour? Was about 10gb anyways.
  20. Cheers guys! Rob, I shoot in Raw, so I always straight away correct exposure, colours, and contrast, and do any straightening or cropping etc. Once I've imported it into PS, often it's just a resize and sharpen then go, or sometimes I do some layering techniques to correct highlights shadows etc... It's certainly a lot less than I used to do!
  21. Phatmike

    Venue Closure

    Petition signed - it'd be a great shame to loose Addingham. Good luck!
  22. Yeah yeah, they're a bit late. Enjoy. (In no order...) Mike.
  23. FP. Nah, it works with any gear ratio! You've got 17mm of movement in there, and given that a normal pitch is 1/2", you've got a max of 1.3 whole chain links from very front to very back. I was running my 18:16 ratio with my stays at 390mm, but I felt like shorter stays, so removed a link and got them to 378mm, also had a choice of two bb heights.
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