Hey guys, Yeah, me and a few other guys rode there on Sunday, (and the week before without issues..). Had we known it was advisable to contact Terry 1st, then we would've done so no trouble, we didn't mean to cause offense or annoy anyone.. As for "when asked to leave did not do so with ease", shortly after we arrived, someone walked up near us, mumbled a bit and walked off, so we carried on riding. He then returned a bit later, took my bag and walked off. Only then did we realise he actually wanted us out of there. We did offer to pay to ride, as has been the case in the past, and I tried asking the situation, but I don't think the fella could handle the fact I was being polite to him, got pretty aggressive, so we calmly left and made our way to Matlock instead. Again, apologies to Mr Crabtree, and the guy who we spoke to on Saturday, we weren't aware of the situation, and it won't happen again. The last thing we want to do is loose this venue for future comps and practicing. Mike.