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Everything posted by Phatmike

  1. Phatmike

    Mad Team

    We were there at the end of June for the Tour of Britain launch: http://www.thisisscunthorpe.co.uk/news/Tou...il/article.html (And yes I know we're not a BMX stunt team...) We'll also be there on the 12th of September for another TOB event. As far as for what we're doing; top quality mountain-bike stunt shows are our game!
  2. I'm gutted by everyone that missed out on the delicious cake cooked by Mummy Prawn. Bon anniversaire Adam, for the last time this weekend!
  3. Odd how all the riders claiming decent pad wear have had the prototype ones. Are there many people who've got the production TNN pads that haven't noticed a less than acceptable wear rate? Indianatrials - I can recommend the Phatpads for sharp bite and tremendous hold, especially in the wet! I've had many competitions in the pouring rain and mud where the pads have performed as if it were dry. I've taken a few comments from the forum and compiled them here; http://phatworks.co.uk/testimonial.htm It should give you an idea as to the wet weather performance.
  4. Frou Frou. Good to hear that so many people have said the video has inspired them to ride, and portrays the best parts about trials. Great stuff.
  5. Hey guys. I'm in London today & tomorrow with VW, is anyone game for some riding this evening? Mike.
  6. I do agree with stretching for a 1.2 if you can afford it. They're extremely competent and well specced bikes. (Some of the riders on the team do use completely standard bikes) The better brakes, tyres, cranks etc will make it much easier to get going. However that's not to say the 1.3s are bad, for £200 they're amazing value! You can see my 1.2 in action here; http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....howtopic=140674
  7. Good to hear you guys are on it! Toad rocks is about an hour away, that's definitely worth a ride - http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=d&sour...mp;t=h&z=19 Depending when you go you've got 'the' rocks in Oxford, and naturally plenty of stuff down on the coast. Have a good time lads. Edit; lol at the signature tom, love it. I should be paying you royalties.
  8. Sexy Max managed to punch a lump of concrete at the Pau trials park (no footage from there sadly), so he couldn't ride that much this trip. Still on top form with the camera and the riding he did do though! Moose, the natural spot in part 2 was Buthiers france, and the large concrete blocks in Barcelona. Not seen Ot Pi Dream in a long time so can't remember if they're in there.. Cheers chaps
  9. Unless you're going to be using it regularly, I'd just recommend a bikebox from your local bike shop, and a load of cardboard & foam to package it in.
  10. Awesome. Looks so much fun! Loved the nose tap on the back wheel.
  11. No no no, you couldn't be more wrong! The whole point of a trip like that is to go explore new places, meet new people, have a laugh with some great friends, enjoy whatever riding you're doing, and learn a lot in the process. Pretty much all the spots we rode (especially places like buthiers and sabadell) have such a mixture of riding that it can cater for almost anyone. I'm glad people enjoy the video, but by god it's a million times more fun going out and making it. :wink2:
  12. Definitely brought back some awesome memories - was a brilliant trip! Cheers for putting that together so well Max, spot on job of filming and editing.
  13. Try 5 times the population, and 3000 times the area.
  14. Odd - right before I saw this topic I was watching ZOO! 28 for the first time in a long while (what a video...) Great news both for Onza and Craig. I can't wait to see some releases from him in the near future - "picking up where he left off" would still be an incredible feat, but any further advances should be spectacular.
  15. Nick - no idea what you mean there mate, think I'm gonna have to brush up on my southern slang! Joe, no the coloured and black backings are £3 extra pair to cover the extra anodising costs.
  16. Is this fluid like an emulsion type fluid Mike? No, it's water based, with additives. Myself and several others have been using it since late last year, both in new and old brakes, and have found it to perform really well, without the drawbacks of tap water. Will it be ready in the next couple of weeks? Yes. How much will it cost? Unable to give an exact amount just yet, but it will be be less than half the cost of Magura Blood. Are you allowed to answer these questions yet? tongue.gif No.
  17. Good to hear it. Two new limited edition colours, a new brake fluid, and the vee pads will be announced very soon once the website is finished - complete with online ordering.
  18. Haha, nah Dave's been a big help so far - though there's a lot more that he's gonna get quizzed on! To confirm, I'm doing a Bsc in Product Design & Technology at Loughborough Uni (which ties in nicely with the PhatWorks products) - Electronics is one of the modules, which I took for granted and evidently wasn't as competent as I'd thought.
  19. Sunny afternoon to you all. Is there anyone here who has studied electronics in much depth (and I mean past GCSE/Basic A-Level stuff) who is on MSN frequently and wouldn't mind helping me with a few queries? I'm currently revising for a resit in 2 weeks time, and keep getting stuck. Give me a Pm if you think you'd be able to help. Mike.
  20. True, but several friends I know have tried machines like that, and they say they can be too powerful, and just lack the personal touch of doing it yourself or even getting a friend do it! I've not seen many people with the same rim-grinding technique as me, so I usually do it alone.
  21. Ell Pee Jeey Plus I'll still eco-drive the shit out of it!
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