dddaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn is a emmmmmmmmmooooooooooooooooo i might visit you on sunday, might take a drive down and harrass you, i'll give you a buzz! spencer
i think you'll find that touching a halogen bulb with your fingers makes no difference to the life of the bulb, it merely creates a oilly patch on the bulb which lasts for a few minutes at the most when the bulb is in use.
that was shite! i'd get your arse back down here you've turned shit up here in scotland i'll show you how its done as i always do! you never put me in them vids, i jknow why you festy slag! spence
good old travis, hes discharging himself tonight his good lady informed me, so he'll be out tomorrow night for ye olde , christmas eve, the little trooper, theres a man in him somewhere! spencer