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DGrabiec last won the day on September 15 2017

DGrabiec had the most liked content!

About DGrabiec

  • Birthday 05/11/1987

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    Echo Control |w| PX Fork

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    Biking, Skiing, Kayaking, Camping....
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Trials Monkey

Trials Monkey (2/9)



  1. I'm from Thunder Bay. Have not seen another trials rider in 10+ years now.
  2. Long live the group rides... and Lou Bega.
  3. Oh man that 180 tire tap to 180 tail whip off that box was a thing of beauty.
  4. Wow that was good. Looking forward to more.
  5. Oh my goodness. That place is trials heaven. I need to make my there sometime in the future. I couldn't agree more with the 'Quiet Brake control'. Such fluid riding. Also that is such a typical North American crowd. They have most likely never seen trials in their life. Here you can amaze a crowd just by bouncing on your back tire. That would have been such a cool experience for those people. Please make more videos of those awesome spots! It also a nice treat to have no music in this video.
  6. I actually keep hearing about a guy that did bike trials in Thunder Bay like 10 years ago and moved out to Alberta/BC. Was that you lol? Every bike shop tells me the same storey. Yeah if you ever come back and visit let me know and we'll go for a ride.
  7. Hey everyone, I came across this guy's youtube channel. Some great content there from street to comp to endure-trials. A real rounded talented trials rider.
  8. I'll take that as a compliment! Just checked out some of his vids on youtube and he's pretty darn good.
  9. Hi Everyone, It's been awhile but I managed to find some time to make a new video this summer. Check it out and comment! Cheers, http://youtu.be/iWWHnlGsW-U
  10. DGrabiec

    Ali C Vlog

    Such great content every week. Especially loved the Germany episode this week. Keep them coming Ali. When are you guys going to do a Canadian version?
  11. And there I was, years ago, thinking how brakeless trials was going to be a fad that nobody will ever get good at....
  12. I'm looking to get a Trialtech Sport fork (I need 4 bolt mount). Although I really like the design of the Inspired Team fork topcap (one hole for front brake and an allen key hole to tighten). Does anybody know if the topcaps on these forks are interchangeable? Thanks!
  13. Riding plus your choice in music made this edit really smooth! Really enjoyed that! Who's the song by?
  14. DGrabiec

    Clean 001

    It's amazing to see what trials has evolved into..
  15. Matt Berridge 2003 2005 Is he still riding anymore?
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