gary glitter
wank ass faggot
back door jockey
knob sucking faggot boy
queer ass dick monkey
gay lord
gay boy
gay man
gay gay
f**king gay
your gay
gay as
bum boy
turkey bummer
donkey bummer
elephant bummer
carrot licker ( gay and ginger... im only one of them.. and yes thats ginger before anyone gets hard)
Your dad is gay so you must be gay
Brown tunnel licker
brown tongue
ill add more when i remember
With a name like
keyra agustina ( if thats her name.. i forgot it already) she doesnt sound like your average portsmouth slag ( dont even try and argue with me about portsmouth and slags ).
But.. looking like she does.. she can shave/wax/... dare i say it.. cut that hair anyway she wants .. id still bone her till her lungs fall out her mouth... or mine do.. either way.
lol you suck a cock
Edit: damn.. i was thinking two things and told you to do them both by accident.. to carify..
1# Go suck cock
2# You suck cock
Much love :P
Just read this:
1. Lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles.
2. Now, while doing this, draw the number "6" in the air with your right hand.
Your foot will change direction.
Random...but it worked on me.
Frickin idiot...
Anyways my vote goes for toxsin since i ride one so im allowed to be biased and not back up my argument with any evidence what so ever.
i used to watch that show all the time was pretty good. Some of them even though staged were pretty dangerous to be doing, especially the buried alive thing.
lol looks good but you have your back foot on the ground.. well looks like it to me..if you look at the white on the shoes.. and where the shoes should be etc etc etc..
since everyone knows im all for sharing the love:
Isnt it great to see a girl with a good arse AND a good face (Y) not that im shallow..
By the way this isnt porn.. so no deleties..
i have the whole folder of her pictures if you want them, alternatively check my msn icon cos im going on a butt display marathon (hers only sorry guys)
i think hes on about a freewheel thats all fixed in every direction.. so you pedal forward you go forward you pedal back you go back.. or just your bog standard old skool penny farthing (Y)