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Everything posted by munkee

  1. Dear lord.. theres one of these every 6 months nowadays
  2. munkee


    i say magura .... (Y)
  3. couldnt be arsed to read the posts.. but this is all you need to build wheels http://www.sheldonbrown.com/wheelbuild.html
  4. riding was good but the editing was wank to say the least
  5. munkee


    Go as a war veteran in a wheel chair.
  6. munkee


    Thats the proper way
  7. Something practical, i beleive this is what happens when you get older.
  8. I am more hardcore because i dropped 6ft, balls to stem and can still ejaculate.
  9. Im more hardcore because i thought your spelt cat with a K
  10. Im more hardcore because ... ( you had better reply to this you bastards )
  11. I gnawed at 4 verucas on my grandfathers foot. Im more hardcore
  12. munkee

    Koxx Pads.

    Ill report mine now then :P 3 pairs.
  13. You can use that bazooka shit or however you spell it, but thats more for stopping them spreading. The quickest way to get rid is to dig the f**kers out, get a knife and dont be a pussy. Just dig away at it with the knife ( if wont hurt because its just effectively dead skin all around it... like a callus ). Best time to do it is after a long bath. If you see a little dot of black where the veruca is.. thats the thing you want to get out. Its simple really.. i had like 3 when i was 11 because i had a hole in some wellys i was wearing when i was out fishin with my dad.
  14. All the lufbra trials crew, guys met on southamton and portsmouth rides adam and dave @ tartybikes.co.uk
  15. jebus great server fo downloads im gettin over 1mb/second
  16. After talking about this to a friend in america he said on the news he saw that a guy had been caught skinning cats and dogs whilst they were still alive. How sickening is that.
  17. a dog is a domestic animal which is trust worthy and loyal. a dog does have emotions and there are laws against doing what these sad f**kers do. These laws are there for a reason because we have been given the responsibility of looking after the creature. A fish wont remember itself being used for bait. Plus a fish is in the sharks natural food cycle anyway. To be honest i hate people who try to be controversial ... this is blatantly a disgusting act that we all know shouldnt happen.
  18. http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2005450292,00.html Discuss..
  19. Just a little off topic kind of.. Im running dual monitors sort of, one is a lcd flat screen tv running through the s-video cable. Whenever i choose to extend my desktop on to it everything is like ultra zoomed in. I know its to do with the res but is there any way i can force it to run at a res where the whole of the desktop is visible? Im running 1680 * 1050 on my laptop and the lcd is 14"
  20. I started out rididng with gloves, but for some reason they gave me worse blisters than when i rode without any. I gave them up for nearly 2 years until the end of this summer. My palms would get just too sweaty and whenever i would try anything remotely big for me a hand would completely slip off. So i went to halfords and bought the smallest and cheapest gloves i could. Literally they were too small they only just covered the whole of my palm. After streatching them out so they fitted then riding in them for a few days they are now perfect and im not going to look back. Another reason i switched to gloveless riding back in the day was because you can feel a lot more through the bike and whats going on through the brakes, which i used to lose when i rode with gloves previously. Now i dont notice much difference at all. Its quite nice not to have numb brake fingers in the cold nowadays :S If your planning on getting any.. get the smallest you can possibly fit on your hand.
  21. Ok enough of the performance, how much price wise did all of this cost you? To me.. if your denting the rim that much.. just run a higher pressure.. or learn to be smooh. Its a no brainer really, just seems like a lot of hassle just to make something that isnt really needed. Not trying to have a go or anything but like you said it takes a lot of time and effort to get it working. With mixed results.
  22. .. There is no point in learning front hops. There is to learn taps. It depends on the rider. Simple
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