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Everything posted by munkee

  1. munkee


    Sorted it now, i downloaded the drivers off the website and it seemed to have installed all fine. Even though they are exactly the same as what are on the cd (Y) Topic ended
  2. munkee


    Ok outta pure boredom me and a friend decided to buy webcams.. mainly so we can look at eachothers cocks all day long. Anyways i bought mine and installed the drivers and all the programs that came with it. I restarted my laptop and a popup comes on and says plug in your webcam now. So i do that and i hear the noise that windows makes when you plug something into your usb.. but the program says its not connected, along with every other program i have it just says it doesnt exist. So i uninstalled then reinstalled yada yada and it does exactly the same. Ive restarted a bazillion times and it just wont work anyone have the foggiest idea? its a logitech quick cam messenger ones.
  3. Also a great example of a good video that doesnt get boring is that bloke on the vinco ( the vid crossed over from OTN) Also felix's silent videos never bore me, but thats just down to pure smoothness. Big events = long videos Everyday rides = short/packed full of moves
  4. Im unsure as whether this is going to help you but i run a S-video cable from my laptop to my tv. You have to then go to your display settings and allow your desktop to be shared across both screens.
  5. I think somewhere i posted something about this to do with the trialskings videos. I watched the whole lot the other day and was f**king amazing to realise that most of them are sub 3 minute videos.. but they just seem to go on and on and you dont get bored for a second. Theres none of this bullshit setup its just move after move. Even now there level of riding cant be achieved by over 50% of the people on this forum which is ridiculous considering how old the vids are. Oh also as of a semi modern video.. not sucking cock here but that video with you wayne, tra and danny smith was a perfect length and everything about it was just great i used to watch it constantly. I cant remember the name it had a song by finch i think (not the tra england vid but was filmed at the same time) its the one where you go something like "its like riding a donkey".
  6. im running 22:19 .. seems pretty fine for me, street and natural. I dont notice any difference between crank lengths anyways.
  7. To be honest thats a very valid and great solution to all of this.
  8. Explain this then: Why was it edited every time i had a products list as mr sexy porters? Why was it changed to say select bikes? Why am i only allowed to have tartybikes and not a list? Why have the sig editor allow it to go to 10000000000000000? I figured since im not allowed a list ill just make the one word bigger.. since thats changing nothing but the size. I cant have anything else in my sig anyways because my word count limit has been lowered so yay for me. Its simple.. im just asking questions as to why me and no one else.
  9. Its not the rivalry, its not the shops. Its the fact that clearly either danny or tom are being biased towards some shops while not to others. There has been talk before questioning mr reads moderating ability by certain members on the forum (using his mod powers for bad things, which never ever ever have happened). Infact when i heard about these accusations i found it a complete f**king disgrace to be honest. But now it seems.. someone is f**king about, using their powers to do bad ( in a non super hero way ). I just simply want to know who it is and for them to explain to me why they arent enforcing the same rules for everyone on this forum. It seems fine for steve to have his booster reports all over the forum and for companies to post direct links to their products.. but then sometimes it seems its not ok to do this? For example the toxsin mod? (i think i got htis right) basically everyone is shitting theirselves over posting a pic incase its classed as advertising... This place has really gone down the shitter lately.
  10. Ok i could have taken this up with either of the admins or mods. But its actually taking the piss now. Right so what am i on about hmm lets think.. ahh yes my f**king signature. I support Tartybikes ( notice thats not a link so this isnt advertising before you go and delete it) so i have the company name in my signature. This wasnt always true, before i had a products list as mr porter and all the other select, mersey etc people have. However this was edited daily and at some points the name of the company was changed to select bikes. Not pointing any fingers but i know its going to be one of the admins as both mods wouldnt stoop to such stupiditly levels. Now im not going to be a complete dick and get myself a nice ban but my sig has been edited constantly for nearly a year. It was in the exact same format at the select bikes crew one but mine got edited every time. Its got to the point im not even allowed tartybikes in my sig on a medium font size setting. If your going to enforce "the rules" which by the way guys.. in the guidlines still dont exist. Then do it for everyone.. because this is taking the f**king piss now. Leave my stuff alone its up to me what i have in my signature. I'd like some freedom of speech. PS: ignore all posts by snappel and anything with MR/MRS infront... as they clearly cant contribute to a thread to save their lives.
  11. im in my 2nd year of civil engineering and basically.. its maths.. constantly. If your weak with anything to do with maths its going to show. I got a C at A-level and i have to work so much harder to understand the basic ideas. However from what ive heard from people who have done a foundation year, you basically do a lot of a level maths. Although its best to ask the individual universitys
  12. you havent applied for loughborough? like.. one of the best universities for engineering ever.... shocker... :P
  13. munkee

    Your Life Story

    Born Great life Loved every minute of it Couldnt have wished for anything more Seriously i think it was the most enjoyable thing ever I started riding trials Didnt get very good at it Then... Emo Death
  14. Forget about the bike and sort out your education. Ive worked my tits off for every grade ive got and finally my parents have seen that and realised that biking is just something i do to let off steam etc. The harder you work the more free time you get with zero worries about anything. Its an amazing feeling to have finished all your work and realise that you have literally nothing better to do than ..... ( insert pass time ). You get rewarded by hard work.. no matter what the circumstances. My parents wanted me to quit trials for so long because they saw it was something i was getting addicted to it and when i went off to uni i wouldnt do any work. I learnt my lesson about that back at school, life is just so much easier when you get your work done and get the grades trust me. To be honest i like my uni course.. but its not THE most interesting thing out there, but like my dad said.. theres always going to be a lot of money in civil engineering. So yea, im in it for the money. Some things you just have to stick out and bear the boredom until you get on the other side. Dont listen to all this shit about people leaving school etc and earning millions... thats like a 1% chance of happening and even then you have to put your bollocks on the line to make the venture work. I think the main problem is you've spent so long shrugging off work and going biking that now its just a cycle thats not going to stop. Just think of it this way.. if you sit down infront of books for 30 minutes... if you remember 1 thing.. its 1 thing you didnt know before that may come up in the exam. Also if revising is hard.. remember learn to pass exams.. not the subject. Basically that means get yourself a shit load of past exam papers. Every paper ( 90% id say) has the exact same format and questions just with the numbers changed. So look at a paper.. see what each question is and learn only those topics. It is kinda a hit or miss thing ( which happened to me in maths last semester ) that you do get the same format. But even when they changed my whole paper i still managed to pass just because of the ground knowledge of learning the old style papers. Theres usually one question that is totally different most years.. sort of trying to seperate the B grade people and the A people i like to think it as. So revise these ones hard.. they will keep you questioning things so your mind doesnt get bored with doing the same old questions all the time. Its just all about pacing yourself and learning what you need to and not everything.
  15. then dont buy one.. simple :(
  16. stamped addressed envelope.... its not even computer lingo.. you ever watch blue peter?
  17. Its lack of sleep.. i know for a fact it is now. After a night of drinking and going to bed at 5.. getting up at 11 i feel just like how i do when im riding. So yea its sleep..i need to get some more of that
  18. As monkey said.. and especially today i have just become.. super bored with trials. I did go to the gym yesterday and for a bit today before i went riding. It may have something to do with it but when i got it first time last sunday in nottingham i hadnt done anything for days. Ill have a go at drinking shit loads of water.. its all i drink anyway but maybe i need more than i think.
  19. Ok this is a long shot. In a I-section beam, how do you calculate the shear stress in the flange. I know the formula and i can calculate the maximum and minimum for the web. I also know how the stress distribution looks on the web ( parabolic with max at neutral axis) and the flange ( triangular distribution i beleive? ). I could ask a lecturer but its doing my f**kin head in and i want to get this question done.
  20. Sorry but.. its nothing to do with progression, i know i can do the moves but this lack of concentration is what is f**king me up.
  21. ok my last two rides have been f**king shit to say the least. I improved a lot over summer and now im back at uni i cant do half the stuff i could do before. Nothing has changed except im in a catered halls. For some reason everytime i get on my bike after 10 minutes i just get tunnel vision.. like im wanting to side hop up a wall and i just feel like im day dreaming. You know.. the type of thing that you do when your tired and your driving and you just stare forward. Your concenretating up to a point but not like.. ugh i cant explain it. Anyone else have this trouble? Ive started going to the gym and im really enjoying it.. and as wankerish as it sounds if i keep riding like this i am really tempted to just sack it in because its got to the point where its not an enjoyment.
  22. Id have punched one in the face.. i couldnt give a shit about all this woman beating bollox. Women want to have the same rights as men etc (voting, same income) then they can deal with the consequences of other things that men can do. Of course im not gonan beat the shit outta some girl if she annoys me but if they were doin what happened to sam.. then f**k em.. they are less likely to do shit if one of their mates is on the floor. Stupid piss heads
  23. munkee

    Island Style

    i remember watching this vid so many times when i started out
  24. That section looks f**king crazy hard. Nice to hear butler or whoever it was shout twat :ermm:
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