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Everything posted by munkee

  1. dont be sorry to me, be sorry to the other people you offended
  2. munkee

    Quick Question

    should be alright with it.. but make sure you declare all the mods else you will get f**ked if you do need the insurance. Also.. taken pass plus? fully comp or fire and theft? if the insurance as fully comp is quoted to be worth more than the car.. go fire and theft because its simply not worth it.. in the long run that is.
  3. How are you in stitches over that? its about as funny as... nothing good job on saying please though ash
  4. Actually.. mark is right.. global warming is not because of all of our pollution. Global warming is occuring because the earth is naturally coming out of an ice age (yes we are still in one now). In a few hundred thousand years the earths temperature will plummet sending us in to another ice age. Its just a natural cycle.. not this bullshit that you hear about on the news.
  5. if we have enough bombs in the world to blow the earth up (like the sun also told us) then im sure we can blow up some tiny asteroid
  6. Tried getting insurance from honda today for a type r... they said ill be 30 by the time the insurance will come down enough to make it worth while ... So.. lets see what else i can get
  7. pffft gamma radiation is for pussies... battery acid on a tea towel.. wrap it round your face... beauuuuutiful Remember to breathe in hard, cleans your nasal passages a treat when your congested
  8. my top tip to driving test relaxation before u go for your test ( when your at home) lock your self in the bathroom and stay in there until you have done the followin: 1. Pissed 2. Shitted 3.Wanked 4. Flob (great word by the way) Empty your body of any juices and moveable solids that may put you off while your driving. Nothing worse than needing a piss.. wank... shit... when your driving
  9. gel your hair with dog shit
  10. goose, duck, pork, beef, ham Can anyone say protein? ... and fat..
  11. Yea its £4600 without pass plus and 0 years of no claims. Which is where im gonna be at this march when new registration comes in. Its a f**k load of money.. which is enough to buy a car as it is Also i cant take pass plus anymore because ive been driving for over 2 years. Its like.. a category 17 i think... and im in a 9 at the mo.. so going 0.4 higher the category moves 8 places... Making me seriously think about wanting a different car. The new civic looks gash .. and i do bum sex honda muchos so it'll be weird lookin for something else.
  12. Yea.. the only thing in relation is the colour.. oh and maybe the same material. I could slap everyone right now for that
  13. yea cos red hair is different... if your going for any colour go grey you'll look like a complete dick
  14. £3000 and something when i last bothered to look in my name. 1.6 civic 2003 New car is gonna be £4600... and thats the cheapest ive been given pass plus wont even save me much on it.
  15. its a bunch of shite everything.. in all of that.. is shite... whoever made that email.. god damn... needs to go outside and do something normal..
  16. munkee

    Alloy Wheels

    Tell them, my brother had side skirts put on his car and had a crash a few weeks later. Insurace company didnt pay out due to "modifications" being made to the car. If you dont declare stuff it pretty much makes your insurance pointless.
  17. munkee

    Im Worried

    My 18gb porno folder (yes i am proud of it) is just on my external hard drive.. simple.. no one will ever bother looking it in since i unplug it every time im done
  18. ooo ignorance was mentioned.. ok: Can you draw the shape pretty accurately of the whole of america? just the shape with maybe a few cities for good measure? Reason im asking is because in the paper it said how like 80% of americans dont even know what their country looks like on a map and in general are proper shit at geography. Like i could probably pretty much draw every continent pretty accurately.. and didnt even study geography up to gcse.
  19. Whoever told you your gonna get 20k debt forgot to mention the person that did it was a f**king retard. Dont bother with a student loan unless you have no other choice of funding. Just because your at uni doesnt mean you have to spend money constantly.. its really not that hard to not spend money. Its like people who get in debt.. then get a loan.. then go and buy a new tv with the money. Then get another loan to pay off the last. Seriously.. how hard is it to just cut back on the things which are classed as "wants" and not "needs". I spend hardly any money at uni in comparison with some of my mates. They find it a need to waste that £1500 loan in their bank on shite that they dont need. The loan is there to help you get through uni.. not for you to spend on booze and dvd's. Just think logically and you will be fine its no where near as bad as people make out.
  20. Format your hard drive .. sorry im being a twat tonight Anyways the answer to your question is this: Its f**ked because youve plugged the camera in to your computer and its recognised it.. you have then installed the software using windows hardware thingy that comes up. In order to solve the problem.. delete all the software and unplug the camera and usb.Restart the pc and then stick the software cd.. install the software.. restart then plug the camera in and windows will recognise and install the drivers automatically. Job done have a wank. N.B. This has worked for me so many times.. im not gonna say its the exact solution
  21. you should be fine then aslong as you dont have to teach spelling good luck mate
  22. Ok i really cant be bothered to look through all the questions so heres mine: Simple question really.. would you say.. that every girl in america who isnt fat is very very hott? like you guys just seem to have a nack at breeding hott women. Also.. whats the furthest you've driven Also.. What were you doing when you found out about 9/11? and did everyone literally shit their pants (applies to both languages) when it happened? Also.. In high school did you ever have like some retard walk in with a gun shouting about how he wanted to gun you all down? because.. from the news.. it sounds like you get them everyday Also.. do you watch american dad? and find it stupidly funny? Also... I know this for a fact but there is a small chance youve had one: Do you know what a jaffa cake is? if you do have you ever had one?
  23. Civil engineering: 25 first year 22 hours at the mo expect more hours in final year free time? whats that.. you actually have to do work in some degrees. When the work is hard.. my week usualy consists of 9 - 6 day then doing 4/5 hours coursework that night. If you choose a half decent subject where you will earn some REAL money.. then your not going to have a lot of "free time". If you choose something pathetic like politics or psychology expect 9 hours in your first year and 8 hours in your 2nd.. oh yea.. but good luck finding a job. Since every dumb shit and his dog does a course like that. For me.. unversity life hasnt been the "doss" like all your school mates with older brothers and sisters portray. Its been fun, time of my life.. but dont sell yourself short, pic a subject that is going to test you.. not something you think is going to be easy. Beleive it or not.. people who say "as long as you get a degree you can get any job" are usually on the dole and have 4 o-levels in f**k all. A guy with his head screwed on People who bitch about all this top up fees stuff usually are the people i outlined earlier "as long as you get a degree you can get any job". They are still going to end up working at asda 7 days a week because the market is saturated with wanna be psychiatrists etc... who are more than likely better at the job than you are. Also a quick question to the topic starter: What sort of field are you expecting to go in to with sports science ( is that what the equivalent here is in lboro?), Not having a go just curious because loads of people seem to take it here and i didnt think p.e. teachers needed a degree or owt... so where do you all go?
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