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Everything posted by munkee

  1. munkee


    So where can i download this from? says file not found on tsg
  2. The most ive done is 60 something for 1 rep, but then again i hadnt touched a bench press in my life till october. I do that pyramid thing i was going about which is just a killer. Works for me at least
  3. i put in another vote for "mid life crisis time". Go for it!
  4. munkee

    Little Britain

    I like certain parts of it, others get monotenous and really wear thing.. e.g. those two blokes dressed as women.. im a lady ones... it just gets so boring...
  5. To be honest.. i wish id started riding earlier.. and i wish id joined the gym years earlier. Well done rob for having the presence of mind
  6. I used to think biking was enough to build you up but it really isnt.. its the same weight all the time.. so your body gets used to it. What little cardio you get from it.. is also a detriment to the muscle you want to put on..
  7. oh yea if anyone is interested i have a few live email account invites.
  8. Im not going for the ripped look at all since ive started training. I weighed 9 and a half stone when i last checked (62kg) which is stupidly light when i want to be gaining strength. So since then ive been eating everything in sight to try and bulk up. Turns out i have a better matabolism than i thought.. so its actually bloody hard.
  9. munkee

    Freeview Tv

    i got mine from currys.. take a look in argos and of course have a quick search on the net for discounts. Theres only one sony box. The silver one.
  10. Oh yea forgot why i should have one? no reason at all.. except id like to have one due to your kindness. id like an invite mate.. been on the hunt for a while email if you do need: spacemunkee.gigolo@gmail.com oh yea and i have gmail invites if anyone is looking Thanks for offering them out too!
  11. Rob i use two dumbells only 5kgs because my one wrist is still f**ked after a biking misshap. Have my forearms on the bench with the dumbells hanging over.. then curl the wrists lifting the dumbells.. do that for 10 reps. Then i turn my forearms over and do the same again curlling the other way for 10 reps. Do that for 5 sets and the last few your arms are f**ked. Infact i remember nearly squealing like a girl last time i did them in the gym. My mates disowned me
  12. Dude forearm curls are absolute killers, i do them reverse too to get top and bottom of the forearm. After 5 sets it feels like the muscle is trying to rip out the skin. I cant do any work afterwards my hands go spasticated
  13. Hey freddie just wondering, why you chose to do forearms on the same days as legs?
  14. Thats quite a big jump between weights. Why dont you have a go at a pyramid cycle, if your managing 65kg for 6 reps you should be able to do a lot more this way. Example: 10 reps 55 8 reps 60 6 reps 65 4 reps 70 Then go back up.. 6 reps 65 etc again. This is only a suggestion you can vary the difference in weights, just your only doing a total of 28 reps on the bench total at the mo.
  15. What exercises do you do on your arms day and what exercises are you doing on your chest day
  16. Wednesdays - Biceps Triceps Fridays - Chest, Back Saturdays - Shoulders, legs, abs Sundays - Abs and anything missed from day before I dont take individual supplements.. just take optibol.. classed as a meal replacement but it has everything in including designer creatine. £30 Also i would suggest you dont do arms the same day as chest. As chest exercises pretty much use compound movements, ie require your arms. You may find your arms fail before your chest does ( or a lot sooner than they should ) if you do them on the same day. For example.. doing bench press uses your triceps a lot as well as your chest, therefor if you train your arms that day it is likely they will fail first.
  17. I really like the look of it.. and its going to retail at £16,000. .... mental for the look
  18. It depends on your pc spec mate. With norton and mcaffe ( which im using ) you can get the all in one programs. Ive got firewall, virus protection and did have privacy agent but it f**ked with my internet too much. In total it uses about 6 processes which amounts up to a lot. I only use it because its easier to let it update itself and only has one icon.. but i reckon if its slowing your computer down get some more light weight protection by getting a seperate virus scanner and firewall (although theres nowt wrong with windows firewall)
  19. if hes taken in extra large jonnies.. i hope they have supplied wheel chairs for the women
  20. ooo he working for a company?
  21. im guessing.. photographer?
  22. im watching.. barrymoore to win.. and thats it
  23. munkee

    Freeview Tv

    phil its totally dependent on your area to be honest and how good your aerial is. At home like i said i get 90 odd ill quickly check now on the break down of that: just did a quick rescan and got 58 tv channels and 34 radio stations. When im at uni i have to use and indoor aerial and i get 72 channels im unsure of the breakdown of that though at the mo will check on saturday if your still interested.
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