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Everything posted by munkee

  1. here you go: http://www.flatface.net 100mb space on a dedicated Gentoo Linux server synced bimonthlyTelnet, SSH2, FTP, HTTP (Apache 1.3.29) with mod_php and mod_perlCGI (perl, bash, awk, python), PHP, SSIWeb based e-mail simmilar to Hotmail/Yahoo! (except it doesn't suck)Forums (flatface.net hosted)Security with firewall and user permissionsNo ads, pop-ups, etcPassword protected directoriesUse any one of our domainsGreat tech supportFREE
  2. Easy trends: http://www.eengoedidee.nl Coust brake pads Heatsink brake pads Plaz pads
  3. i hope the mini thread dies for the sanity of this forum. Anyways loving the mud covered pic up top.. shows its being treated well .
  4. 11368 got it just.. new technique 11478 now
  5. yea i got mine updated at just after 12 last night. I like it in some ways but i dont in others, the old interface was starting to grow on me and now little things are missing. Such as greying out people who are away/idle etc... just have to wait for the mess patch to come out and see if theres anything useful in that
  6. got mine today took it out the box just and fired it up my top score so far is 10685.. good starting point?
  7. ill be 30 - either living in canada or america.. owning or working for a civil engineering company. Driving a DB9 which at that point will be a old skool classic. A hot as f**k american/canadian wench and maybe some tots. Nice big house with security gates and all that shit.. but all my friends will be construction workers who constantly talk to me about how dirty their wife is in bed as we sit in a bar watching boxing. Also i would like to add.. this is probably the only topic i have enjoyed reading and replying to.. ever on this board. Weird or what..
  8. Only thing that annoys me about my parents is that they are happy to sit on the internet for a good 5 minutes.. literally 5 - 10 minutes in fact waiting for a webpage to load on dialup because the connection was wank and it connected at like 15000 instead of like 50000. They are like.. the internets slow today.. no shit! youve been sat there. My dad spent like 6 hours going on 3 sites .. he actually went and cooked some food while he waited for the page to load. They then go on about how we should ge broadband.. but then no one can be bothered to sort it out. AGHH But apart from that they are amazing! the older i get the more i appreciate them and love their "annoying" habits.
  9. i feel your pain, ive spent the last 3 weeks of my life in the library.. from 9am till 10pm (when the alarm goes off to say go home u loser) doing a structural design coursework. Its 25% of the module.. and we have just been set the other half.. which is to do the design again but using a steel frame.. instead of concrete. I AM GOING TO GO CRAZY on a better note.. 66% average in my exams yay
  10. ok lets make it interesting then. New game: Hunt down a porn star on myspace
  11. You will be given invites after a little while if they arent showing up. They sent me an email saying i was able to send them, and then the yellow infobar on windows live came up saying i could send them out too. Simplest way would be for you to login to windows live site where you downloaded the messenger from and there should be an option on there to send them. If not go to your live messenger, go to help and there should be an option in that menu to send them out.
  12. the sidehop at 1:40mins in "the edge" episode one thing wasnt real was it? like he clearly sidehopped off the wall and then the guy edited the other way to make it look like he went up it?
  13. I think hes a idiot to be doing the things he is without a working brake. I didnt like the editing of the video and the quality was poor in my books. Get those things sorted and it'd be nice to see another vid from him
  14. munkee

    Sugar Puff Piss

    Re read my post.. i said
  15. munkee

    Sugar Puff Piss

    They arent the only thing that your piss smells of though.. after a hard night out my piss smells like apple sours. Ah you said food.. its probably because they break down so you can piss them out instead of shitting
  16. hadnt trained since thursday.. so just thought it was due to the 4 day gap see how i go to tomorrow
  17. I couldnt complete my routine today... i only managed 5 exercises before going to the toilet and throwing up everywhere. I have no idea whats wrong with me.. i started off doing abs, then moved to dips and it was so hard going. I was sweating like f**k and so out of breath. Like my heart was pounding.. i decided to have a sit down before going on to my next exercise and after the first set.. went to talk to a mate and soon as i tried to talk had to run to the toilet. Im thinking some form of MILD food poisoning?
  18. ooo sorry forgot to acknowledge the hissy fit. Riding doesnt affect your bones? it doesnt give you atheritis? hello.. ... wake up and think about what riding is doing to you. Try and find someone that hasnt f**ked their ankles or any other part of their body riding trials. Weight lifting will win the vote for muscle strains, but trials wins the vote for overall f**ked body parts. Your trying to say lfiting weights is bad for you yet you seem to neglect that fact a bike weighs around 21lbs.. what are you doing? lifting a weight. Bench press is likely not to work for everyone because they dont have correct form at all. I go to the gym and see people that lower the bar 4 inches before pushing it back up. If you really want to work your chest you should do 1/2-1 reps. Go down all the way push up half way, back down, push up all way then repeat. "Although there is a clear association between aortic dissection and weight lifting in our findings, this is not a reason to avoid weight lifting and strength training, which can be healthy and beneficial. It should also be pointed out that the number of people who lift weights is very large, while the number of identified cases of weight lifting causing aortic dissection is small." - Something you may want to add to your argument next time. Any heart problems are caused by people who try to lift way to much than their core can support. They forget to mention the % of heart problems caused by being a fat fanny that sits on his arse all day... strange that... ill take the risk of training thank you very much. Whether you use your own body weight, or added external weight all your doing is shredding fibres and increasing your metabolic activity. The healing process is where you will gain your strength.. theres so much bollocks you can go in to, your basically stereotyping rob as some little kid who goes in to the gym... picks up a 60kg dumbell and tries to do curls with it. He then strains his arm (from the doing the curls of course ) and goes back the next day and does the same again. Want a fact? i can gurantee hes not that retarded.
  19. Not looking too shabby only few things id change are: On monday maybe change lat pulldown to wide grip pull ups, anything self body weight and unmachiney is a big plus. Also on monday your doing squats and also leg press. Gonna hit your quads hard with 2 exercises when not needed, you could eliminate leg press and up your weight in squats. Wednesday maybe change the dumbell flys to decline dumbell flys, that way your doing the whole chest in your workout. Saturday your doing military and dumbell seated.. no need for both id go for dumbell and up your weight. Also ever tried close grip bench for triceps? really fun and will work your chest some at the same time, meaning the gap between workouts wont be as long. Also remember to vary your rep ranges, depends on your goals but your body will adapt to a programme with as little time as 4 weeks.By changing the reps or order you do your exercises will keep your body guessing and the gains to not go stale. All personal preference though
  20. That totally depends upon the type of goals hes looking for. Why should we group body parts at all? how far does this grouping go.. for instance.. we usually have a chest day etc.. who chose that? why not a upper chest day, lower chest day etc. Whenever you group body parts your going to get problems with fatigue. You also have to think about how many movements hes going to be doing with those chosen parts. He might only do 2 exercises on his arms, whilst doing 3 for his chest. For example, preacher curls then incline,flat and decline bench. May be doing high volume training or drop sets etc. You could try something along the lines of, upper body, lower body, upper, lower etc. I thought your program bongo was going to do this.. but then you went with leg day tuesday.. then cardio on wednesday.. most forms of cardio are going to involve your legs. If you trained them hard enough your gonna find it a hard time right? At the end of the day it all comes down to the person and what they feel is right. Hopefully they have enough common sense to feel their arms are dieing every time on bench and will sort it out accordingly. When you train intense and continuous your body will adapt anyways, its like doing cross country biking.. it will hurt like hell but if you keep doing it solid for a week your body will just accept it and change.
  21. Oh my god.. your an idiot i swear...seriously every argument you have put forward is either wrong or built upon bollocks. They have shoulder press machines? lol never ever seen one. I just do seated dumbell press or military press. Only on 17.5kgs at the mo 8x5 but gonna be upped soon once im done with functional building.
  22. munkee

    Help Me!

    Any one mentioned starting the pc up in safe mode then running adaware?
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