Look for online banking, the interest rates are going to be much higher than a regular highstreet bank account. Also makes it a lot easier to see how the finances are going instead of having to go to banks after statements etc. I doubt putting in to a long term saving account like poopie said will be worth while. Most banks only offer around 2 years as lowest time period(there are some that offer less but you mase well just stick it in a normal account due to the low interest). During that time you cant use the money in there at all without it either killing the interest you have earned or the bank getting shitty and moving you to another account. They are good to use if your willing to just throw this extra money in to the account for a very long period of time, walk away and leave it there. Wake up when you 50 and get a phone call from the bank saying you have £100,000 waiting for you. Im guessing your going to want to use the money though really arent you? so like i said earlier.. try online.. or halifax who seem to do a lot of promotional high interest first few months shit. If you want to be totally different and what i would recommend... stick it all in premium bonds. Think of it as the national lottery where you dont actually lose your money. I dont get why hardly anyone bothers with them.. its bloody ace chance up to winning a million.. and your losing out on f**k all. If you come to a point where you need the money back just take the bonds back and there you go sorted.