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Everything posted by munkee

  1. munkee


    http://www.proxy7.com or for non proxy name hideme.info if that doesnt work directly above where u type in the address click anonymizer or something like that
  2. Yeap trials forum is ceasing to exist in 2 months time. Ah well hard luck
  3. munkee


    Gotta agree nottingham is getting really bad.. my friend goes to uni there and lives in a house just down the road where there have been shootings in the barbers next door... scarey
  4. munkee


    shizwack wasnt made up by porter.. i known plenty of people that have used it years before this forum picked up on it. The black guy on big brother said it about 50 times when he was in there.. the same year as that scottish guy who went mad and smashed the place up.
  5. Oh my God! i used to think people were sad for laughing at computer screens but f**king helll! hilarious
  6. munkee


    why does every say looks amazing looks lush i want one blah blah... when its just another look alike? whats made it look nice? personally it looks as gash as all pitbulls look. oh and i see the token "what cranks what hub" is that question has already come up..
  7. Nope wheel swap = switch Front to back = exactly what it says on the tin hoo haa = a dance that gay people do in country westerns
  8. You care about what other people think.. very fag
  9. Nah its just that ben is crap at spelling. Stupid postman
  10. Thought id add a little bit more... you seem to have got a lot smoother than in the past (even though your going bigger) , also holding the stupid big sidehops too.
  11. lol download is still f**ked
  12. How it performs? its a chain... as long as it doesnt snap then its performed well surely?
  13. hahaha how true is that about jon.. every bloody vid he was doing something. I still remember watching the chain snap on to the pallets. Ughh pain! I remember the forums just been a big posting battle with only like 4 of us on there. Replied to every thread then left then did the same the next hour. Memories
  14. munkee

    Ginger Kids

    Blah blah best of the internet.. yadda yadda yadda. I dont care cos im ginger and i am part of this vital statistical foundation. So could you all buy a shirt from here please? http://www.gingerkids.org/index.html Thanks, By the way.. isnt gingervitis something to do with teeth?
  15. Untrue, si lord (physio) sorted so many people out on this forum for free. Just shows some people still have it in them.
  16. cos the red dots are the swollen holes where the hair comes out your skin. If the swelling doesnt go down the hair gets stuck inside and just goes round in circles... literally.
  17. "the only trip this criminal will be taking, is to the county jail"
  18. dave if it looks like that in the next 2-3 days then you got ingrowin pubed and u gotta get the f**kers out. Good luck
  19. dont put any of that hair removal cream shit near your dick EVER. It has so much shit in it like ammonia etc that it will burn your skin leaving you with a scalded cock area, some surface bleeding and maybe even blistering. Also pubic hair is too thick for it to melt away, its supposed to be used on fine hairs. If your itching like hell, you prolly have ingrowing hairs so keep an eye on that.
  20. quality was fine for me, the riding was good but seemed to be a lot shorter than it actually was... well random
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