Koxx pads are only the same price as echo and zoo, there seems to be a real hate relationship against proper bike companies with some people on the forum. You get what you pay for when it comes to koxx, i know for a fact anyone could revert to a set of koxx browns and they will work fine for trials and theres been a few other pads they have released due to rider preference. Yet when it comes to the home brand style pads it seems like we end up with nothing really that special. Heatsink pads never seem to have come out of testing, yet they are being sold? whats the point. Even now steve has ended up selling coust pads in cnc backings. Whatever happened to the dream of finding the ultimate trials pad? ive had a go on a friends coust pad set up and i really dont rate them. If your going to get any set of pads get plaz they are actually well tested and priced like that for a reason. There are also new blue pads coming along soon so take a look at the site: http://www.plazmaticbrakes.com/index.php they have a well decent testing rig.