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Everything posted by munkee

  1. my front brake contributed to this beast! looks well nice im going to have to go dual disk if i ever return to stock!
  2. Appauling editing but that was all wrong with it. Riding was alright though just needs to be longer to make it good.
  3. munkee


    Lol whining kids? open your eyes and realise the difference between whining and a discussion.
  4. When you HAVE to have a open plan house
  5. just like to show u the latest scores: 1wayne vaughanYarm town18 2chris mobberleyThe Benchwarmers17 3Tom NgTensiles Opt14 4Michael CaleyMikeCottTrials14 5marcus lowbridgeThe Elites10 6Joe Hurstyoyoyo's pwnage squad5 7Callum IsaacCallum PWNS3 999Pete BarksBarksy's Egyptian Wonders0 nice to see spacemunkees shit team is currntly 2nd place hahahahahhahaha
  6. Lost packets is definitely a connection problem. Are you running wireless? if so check your signal strength if it anything below the max out/input then there is your answer. If you are running direct you need to check your download speed a few times to see what your download speed is running at. If it isnt running to its full potential then id take a look at some connection optimiser. If none of this helps try running your desktop resolution lower for example from 1680*1050 down to 1070 etc..also then lower the ingame res and run it in a window. Type in console net_graph 3 and check your choke and packet loss if you have anything over say .. hmm 10? then you have some big problems. You should only really be losing 1-3 max
  7. To be fair when your even slightly drunk those sofas in the union are the comfiest things ever i was kicked out after falling asleep on there twice.
  8. munkee


    Why did phil williams do this My god!.. ill be so f**king happy when all of that happens ill keep on reading the daily mail then. Screw all the people that feed off everyone elses earned money.
  9. I had a dream about this last night haha
  10. i think thumb war would be more suited.
  11. hahahaha it so sounds wrong doesnt it
  12. haha its great isnt it... after the photoshop he got ads to do of me on myspace i thought the least i could do was return the favour some.
  13. hahah i laugh so much when i even think about this... adam definitely has it in him to just snap and go ballistic... Dave must have the pain threshold of a sedated badger after all the illness and injuries he has had. They are both equally as nice to everyone ever so whether or not they just end up hugging and sitting on a rock building wheels together is another discussion to have.
  14. one straight out of block and 1 for each pipe... retardedness
  15. i wish 2 of mine would fall off... my car has 3...
  16. phwar bet that caused a few scratches
  17. Its a setting you f**k around with in premiere etc, you dont buy them.
  18. First year i bought a bike bag and took it apart and put it under my bed. 2nd year i had my car so i just kept it in the back of that. This year im in my own house so i can keep it there.
  19. Yeap and mini fridge is fine everyone has them in halls.. some people have f**kin huge ones. Basically take everything you want.. they wont take any of it away, tv, fridges, surround sound etc.. its all ok apart from like fire and shit they dont like that lol
  20. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Sony-VTX-D800U-Freev...1QQcmdZViewItem thats the one
  21. Not that i know off but the independant is the paper that does all of the league tables so it may be worth looking at their website.
  22. Yea harry french is off campus isnt it.. like other side of the roundabout. I reckon it will take you 30mins to get down to engineering maybe a bit longer. Since your on a foundation all your lectures will pretty much be down there, a few in other places. Harry french isnt a bad place to be going in to and your close to union and town. I was in william morris last year which is just before harry french if ive got the right place in my head, it was ideal really. i wouldnt change if i was you.. its a trek but it will keep you fit
  23. Wouldnt suprise me nowadays
  24. Haha just make sure you work hard. I pretty much work solid from end of september round till summer exams. Even revision over christmas and easter.. bit nerdy but im not naturally clever at all.
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