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Everything posted by munkee

  1. What do you all think of the rear end? stiffer the better of course and im liking the booster going into the mount tha they both have... but never ridden either of them so its hard to judge between the two.
  2. Or if you cant ride stock anymore cos it wont fit in your new car .. doh!
  3. and the rest of mahaaaaaaaaaaa's pics please shocking or not
  4. Aghhhh!! im thinking new mod frame time.. dunno maybe something a tiny bit longer.. i've seen tartybikes have just got some adamant and pythons in.. the adamant seems to have the same geo as my lite which would be easy to switch too.. but then again everyone seems to love pythons. So anyone with some mod experience think they can help me out? Is there such thing as a mod that is too long? i like the shortness of the lite but then again maybe a longer frame would benifit me? Toss up between http://tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=2022 or http://tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=2023 or maybe zm1? im so confused.
  5. Im actually really impressed with trials-online. I remember it back in the day and it still seems as good.
  6. No one cares about people who cant take criticism. Righty.. now i got it all out my system the constructive criticism from moi. Helmets are needed. (if enough people tell you now.. then maybe you will get pissed off enough to wear them) Take a look at your gear ratios, the one guys looks properly odd i cant tell whether its too hard or just too easy. Also you need to sort out your brakes, buy some plaz pads and grind your rims. Slow yourselves down when you come up to drops some of it looked like the bike were controlling you and not you controlling the bike. Its ok to have the camera sat on a wall close for a shot.. but i wouldnt say more than 2. Its best to stand away and get everything in shot, when you get better at editing then you can start working with close ups and angles better.
  7. Dont mind, all the chinese vids i have seen have really good riders in.
  8. So obviously there is trials-forum.co.uk for the uk observed for the US.. But what about other countries? i fancy seeing some vids and pictures on some other forums see what the standard is etc. So if anyone knows of any others just stick them in here.
  9. ill tell you what is f**king annoying.. people who spell know as no.
  10. I was thinking exactly the same .. i think its cos you cant see the drop in you have to do .. bloody steep slope to stop on
  11. Nothing is blocked apart from very illegal stuff
  12. Really does take the piss doesnt it lol was first comp though.. so i better do better next time. ps... everyone on forum should do comps.. f**kin dead ace like
  13. Blue 20 Ashley Butler 25 Chris Modderley 72 Jamie Shepperson 80 Henry Drew 85 Lmfao how did i manage that. Well done ash... nice gap between first and second there lol
  14. there was some dnb used i think in a southampton video years ago.. sidehops to crank.. JJones gapping to blue rail etc.. Worked really well with the vid
  15. Did i manage to come last in inter?
  16. Yea they are piss to fit.. you only need to push the pin through one of the outer plates and the middle slides off so you can fi them super quick.
  17. No need for a special tool for them.. they are easier to put on that a standard chain in my opinion. On my frame the mounts were welded queer so that the chain was either too long and i couldnt tension it, the hub bolts would fall out the mounts before it tensioned or.. id take a link out and it would be too tight and couldnt get the chain on. So you need a half link to sort the distances out. Plenty of people run chains with a half link in them.. but id rather just have a full chain of them saves having one weak link ( some may say they all are). Ive had no trouble with mine anyways had it about 7 months
  18. You need a half link in your chain to sort the problem unless it used to fit before then it had just streatched. I use a shadow conspiracy v2 half link chain. But id go with a khe
  19. Echo lite easily best, mine is exactly 1000mm wb
  20. meh mase well stick it in the blender then like someone said.. would go straight through you then. If you going to just be hardcore and chew it and swallow then it could get interesting
  21. Paper takes like years to digest from what i learnt from the playground at school. Do it.. but i wouldnt bother
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