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Everything posted by munkee

  1. Stays in the same place but it doesnt have 2 engines attached to it which = thrust
  2. Ohhh you mean the laws that cant explain dark matter, gravity during eclipses, cold fusion, ESP, mind over matter, ghosts? Physics is flawed because it was written by humans.
  3. I still dont get why people are arguing this point using physics (mass.. velocity etc)... when there is no need.
  4. But the fly didnt stop the train in your "ground breaking experiment".. the guy driving stopped the train.
  5. Its never been said that they need to be the biggest thing in trials. But from my experience, comps really do bring people together.. theres a good atmosphere and plenty of parents around etc supporting. Its nice to see everyone helping out and i think comps are going to be one of the best ways to promote the sport (if it ever properly hit the tv screens). It makes trials seem more of an official sport and not just a bunch of kids throwing their bikes at walls all day and pissing off the elderly.
  6. Yup, has been on discovery channel a few times. Beleive this or not... leaves are the biggest causes of train crashes ever. (I dont doubt your intelligence.. so im certain you already knew about the leaves)
  7. You implied it and it wasnt anything personal, he was just stating how previously riders have been mistreated in our sport in the uk and welcomed in other countries. The comp scene here is dead on its arse in comparison to other countrys. YMSA comp has been the best thing i have ever done in trials.. the turn out is appauling for the amount of effort put in to it. The reason being no one helps to promote it. The mbuk article did it no favours.. hence the whole topic.
  8. #1 Its a forum... this where "petty shit" gets discussed... funny that. #2 It wasnt a contradiction.
  9. How bout... its an electric train.. a fly gets stuck in the wiring inside the train and causes it to short... so the train stops. Its a big big big box.. none of this physics shite is ever needed to explain these problems. You could say the fly was sitting on the track.. and the train was previously off balance due to a giant panda jumping on the side of it.. the bump the fly caused as it was run over flipped the train and it stopped when it hit a group of chinese tourists.. who proceeded to take pictures of their own corpses due to the timers on their cameras already being switched on (due to them wanting a photo of them standing by the train as it went past) The end.
  10. munkee

    Voice Over

    Dont be a lazy fanny and do it yourself. Close topic.
  11. Why would you do this... any of this? The retardedness of this forum is verging on clinical
  12. munkee

    The Lost Thread

    If they have written as many series as has been rumoured then i take it at this rate they are hoping their target audience will be dead before the final season.. saves them having to work out how to make this all believeable
  13. Its pro labour party. Hence why its shit as f**k and only good for laughing at
  14. munkee


    sadly i didnt really find it funny... it just felt like the kinda thing your mates do when one cracks a joke, then they keep doing it for a week solid.. and it very quickly becomes shitter and shitter. That and the fact the trailers were the movie.
  15. ah ok makes sense now i was reading it as he hated the fact there are senior members but enjoyed being one lol
  16. AGHHHHHH you big gay1111!!!! i spotted it at 9am,.. was gonna post but was in a lecture.. damnit why am i never first at anything page 21 if anyone is interested
  17. flourescent (sp) yellow. The most amazing colour ever...
  18. Like i said, only a few may understand what i put. Sadly you missed it. "jon pace" got kicked off SM for having an argument with bill. Now thats harsh
  19. Theres an ancient saying that i just made up that might help: a 40 year old man sits in nursery school playing with the kids... because he used to when he was 5 years old. Piedo? or can he just not let go. .. i expect only i will ever be able to work that one out.
  20. Who gives a flying toss. How bout we look at the direct correlation between how many senior members there are and how many of them actually ride.
  21. No its because if they were at the same height you would crush them together between your legs. Its simple evolution.. even dogs have a lower bollock
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