before i believe any of that graph id like to know where the exact figures for demand have come from. Thats assuming a very linear growth in demand, but who is to say current demand is not sustainable over the next 8 years? In my opinion you can bullshit statistics all you want to look in to this "doom and gloom" but at the end of the day, oil companies will charge what they want. Without their oil, they have nothing.. therefore why should they allow the world to deplete it? If you want to know what i see, oil companies will reduce the supply in order to raise the price of oil, making it more profitable to themselves for oil not to drain away in to the system and for it to remain at a constant trickling level. Demand will be met, but at a price. Its already been seen with that big oil company by stopping a few million barrels of oil, they are driving the price back up (but it doesnt mean we have run out of oil). Also you have to think these big oil companies dont know what to do with their money, so they invest it. It goes in to insurance companies , banks, football teams etc... and what have we seen recently? shit hitting the fans with those so all they have to do is go back to their oil and replenish their losses with increased prices.