If you want to get absalutely arsed by these cameras go on the M42 goes down beside coventry/birmingham. It used to be a really nice streatch of road back in my dads day but now its crazy, there are over 12 of these cameras in a line and in each line there are 4 lanes. So thats a total of 4x12 cameras. No lane dodging you just get royally screwed. I had the snooper on at the time so could slow down in plenty of time and it continued to go off between cameras so i kept at the limit, i know for a fact there were people going past me so i expect there are a lot of drivers out there who are now f**ked. Save yourself some points and maybe a life... buy a snooper (laser detector one, not the gps ones) This is what they have attached the cameras too, couldnt find an actual pic of ones with them on, but this is on the m42