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Everything posted by munkee

  1. munkee


    Thing is he sorta does pay for it in the rent. But at the same time.. when hes using his gay arse torrents me and the other guy cant even load up pages.
  2. munkee


    Well ive been on tiscali 8mb broadband since septemeber.. and due to a fat housemate with a very worrying addiction to downloading child cartoons such as tale spin, he-man and the borrowers we have been moved on to shared usage (since november). Its wank as f**k because between 6pm and about 1am nothing works.. literally this took me 8 refreshes to get here. Msn is disconnected every 30 seconds and its just wank service. Many other people seem to be finding the same: http://www.tiscali.co.uk/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=215 So its time to move on to the greener pastures. Anyone with a good broadband service that is unlimited? cant be doing with usage allowances due to the fat willy as i mentioned above.
  3. Its worrying the famous shorts arent in this vid. As i said on msn.. i hate you for being so smooth.
  4. leave some comments you willy tards :)

  5. subseven .. google it *illegal btw* You can control literally everything.. since it is actually a trojan but meh just send her the connecting file through msn and then get her ip and voila. There is also a function in msn that allows you to use other peoples computers, something to do with whiteboard on the old msn versions.. cant remember exactly though.
  6. I think more to the point nowadays is police rarely stop you doing 80. 80+ then they will. But at the same time they have to ensure traffic flow is good on motorways (part of the reason the drive up and down busy streatches to slow everyone down to 70.. eliminates the hard accelerating, hard braking of people in outside lanes causing mexican wave affect of braking). Ive spent many hours travelling with traffic doing 90.. the road isnt clear infront but everyone around you are doing the same speed, just lorries in the non overtaking lane. You are keeping with the speed of flow..
  7. Just heard a great statistic on a 999 style program: 4% of car accidents happen on the motorway.
  8. Well no, travelling from loughborough to the isle of wight keeping to speed limits = 4hours + Not keeping to speed limits = 2hours 30 (done by me) and 2hours 15mins by my dad. When you have a ferry to catch which means sitting around for 35 minutes+ after a drive that long doing nothing and you just want to get home.. i vote speeding.
  9. Thought you had a few girlfriends this year? in some other post you said something about girlfriends and foreighn wenches, either way breakups can never be good. Stop being a twat... i.e Following your cock, instead of doing the right thing and going for a proper relationship.
  10. I read up to 1. and i know you are an idiot. If someone doesn't have the ability to type a f**king a whole word they dont deserve to be on a forum where communication is based on text.
  11. If you want to get absalutely arsed by these cameras go on the M42 goes down beside coventry/birmingham. It used to be a really nice streatch of road back in my dads day but now its crazy, there are over 12 of these cameras in a line and in each line there are 4 lanes. So thats a total of 4x12 cameras. No lane dodging you just get royally screwed. I had the snooper on at the time so could slow down in plenty of time and it continued to go off between cameras so i kept at the limit, i know for a fact there were people going past me so i expect there are a lot of drivers out there who are now f**ked. Save yourself some points and maybe a life... buy a snooper (laser detector one, not the gps ones) This is what they have attached the cameras too, couldnt find an actual pic of ones with them on, but this is on the m42
  12. munkee


    avast 7 kaspersky avg free nod32 the only ones i remotely like.. mcaffe, norton etc have become too bloated nowadays. Meaning they try and do more than just antivirus which is annoying.
  13. Ill be f**ked if im paying £5 for this pile of shite. The forum is a bloody joke at the minute, im currently at 70%.. 60% of that was justified but when i read most of the threads in chit chat now its all a pile of f**king bollocks stuff i would have been warned for easily. All this "post a picture" phase.. its just stupid, the constant "lets get a quote from pete wright" stuff.. .. the list is endless.
  14. It looks like a f**king amateur webcam porno movie set.
  15. Wooo ymsa .. shame i have only ridden once over christmas.. very well prepared lol
  16. deffo not nice.. is there a reason for a red bull can to be in the engine bay?
  17. munkee

    My Astravan

    either way.. no one can condone buying a van
  18. not a resolution as such.. but this year i have to get my cock pierced
  19. Oh my god.. please for f**k sake just leave the guy alone. This whole lets pick on pete, lets find the best quote for our sigs shit is f**king beyond pathetic now. Over 3/4 of this forum werent even around during his little "phase" that got him effectively banned from the main forum so why keep going on and on about his shit? I barely even remember him i joined just before he got some of the bans so f**k knows how everyone else here does. Ugh in essence its bloody wearing old now and theres no need.
  20. munkee


    i have the f**kers stumped..!!!!! im on my 8th guide YES 8th.. and the search is " donkey fighting a gorilla picture" they keep transferring me.
  21. lmao funny night... got punched by a chav in the face and he ran away when it did nowt to me. broke in to a house and played on their trampoline stole a bench.. massive one from outside a pub and took it to my mates house more fights with random chav scummers stole paint and beer from a HM Customs depo :-o :-o met some wenches that i havent seen in 4 years and got one of their numbers.. BOOO you went back to the wenches house along with some mates.. dad found her with us and kicked us out. mates ran back in to house stole shit ran out the back to find it was a 20ft drop to the sea.. mate fell after shimmying along fence and broke his nose drove home and now in bed. Nice end to 2006
  22. 50/50 whether i go in or stay out.. need to start revision on the 1st for my exams.. got 3 starting on the 21st and i know none of it at all
  23. munkee

    My Astravan

    lol i love your one way convos
  24. To add to that lets take a look at what really happened.. the guy basically died due to something he believed in. Dictators have strong views on what they think is right or wrong, at the end of the day its because of his decisions that he is dead. Last time i checked whenever anyone died for what they beleive in they were called heroes (easiest word to put in here). I was all for the war on iraq and afgan but to be honest, iraq didnt kill the anti terrorism soldiers. We killed them by sending them there in the first place and whilst there were hints there that the country was capable of creating big weapons.. none were found.. once again... our fault.
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