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Everything posted by munkee

  1. No... its because ntl are joining up with virgin media.. Which is a very very very bad thing. So theres a lot of disruption to every service whilst theres the change over etc. If you want amazing broadband: https://www.bethere.co.uk/ cant fault it
  2. Remember to take fish oils... e.g. lots of codliver oil etc The benefits are endless...
  3. Dont bother with leg press, it causes a deficiency in your hamstrings as it overloads your quads. So then when you do decide to start deadlifting and squatting you will be pure shite as you hamstring/glute activiation is wank. To put it simple work with compound exercises and throw in some single jointed work. For example, perform 4 compound exercises everytime you go to the gym and 2 single jointed movements. Quick program example: Day1 Bench press - Chest/Triceps Chin ups - Back/Biceps Deadlift (regular) - Lower back/Arse/Hamstrings/Quads/Calfs Standing calf raises - you guesse what Day 2 Back squat - Quads, Hamstrings, Glutes, Hip flexors, Abs, Shoulders, Back.... f**kit.. Everything Laying dumbell rows (laying face down on a bench) - back Standing dumbell military press - Shoulders French press - Triceps Day 4 Light cardio Day 5 Wide grip pull ups or Lat pull down if you struggle - Lats/back in general/Biceps Sumo deadlift (legs wider apart than regular deadlift so your legs are outside of your hands and not inside) - Same as deadlift but more hip dominant Dumbell bench press - Same as normal bench but recruits more stabilisation Decline sit ups , weighted Day 6 Light cardio Day 7 Front squats - Same as normal squats but more dominant on quads i believe all i know is they are c**ts Dips - Triceps , also works chest if you lean forward some Barbell Rows - Back Standing barbell curls - good ole guns Barbell Step ups - Step up doing alternating legs.. as good as doing frontsquats Day 8 Fully off Thats a stupidly simple program, which will work pretty much everything you need it to. You can try some pretty crazy set/rep ranges im currently doing back squats for 3x10 (3 reps 10 sets) on 100kg and you feel destroyed afterwards. I think a real challenging set/rep range would be to do the first two exercises on ever day as 5x5 (5 sets 5 reps) then the exercises after that on a either 8x3 or 10x3. Then each week increase the load by 2.5% until you reach one month then switch to something new. Ill put up an attachement when my internet stops being gay with a big pile of programs that you can choose from. Oh and while were on it... dont deadlift like TRA.. your shoulders should be rounded yet maintaining the bottom of your back flat so you dont go giving yourself a f**ked back and shoulders. If you are lifting too heavy your form will go to shit = injury
  4. Squat Heavy Bench Heavy Deadlift Heavy Eat everything you see Repeat
  5. hmmm could go very wrong i take it
  6. munkee

    Broadband Vs 56k

    Signature images are about the only thing that would get me interested in this forum again
  7. tell her and her family to get f**ked and then masturbate profusely for a hour and im sure you will feel a million dollars afterwards.. the great thing about porn is.. you can call the women sluts all you want.. and they just keep moaning.
  8. Should be good on mine ultra nerd (me) now has WD raptor hard drive for cs:s load times
  9. Awesome will do that now then. Can close topic unless people want to have a bit of a rant still p Also.. i think im becoming a nerd:
  10. Other companies do it fine, in terms of having the actual software on a cd you only need the one, but then you buy the extra licence keys for other machines much like autocad works. I still think if you buy one copy, you should still have to pay for each machine you put it on or atleast get a deal on the other 3. Like i said.. just like autocad licences work Anyway.. back on topic... can i get cheaper vista?
  11. I dont get why everyone is being so shitty about windows being locked down to one machine. You bought one valid copy of windows for one pc, if you want more you buy more licences thats how life bloody works.
  12. Ugh please dont bother.. this will only spark up another pete wright style thread
  13. Now you are talking bollocks.
  14. Bought a copy of windows xp home from staples at start of december/late october and the fatboy housemate just said that windows are letting people upgrade to vista for like half price or something if you bought windows xp during a certain time period recently. Any truth in this you think?
  15. munkee

    The Lost Thread

    Dont look in to things too much, the whole reason why lost works is due to subliminal messages. if you start to find them then you expect things to happen
  16. Im with you on that one.
  17. Hate to say it but im not going to bother watching it anymore.. its a bag of wank now.. really lost its touch and now it just seems to try and go for the "ratings". Definitely been taken over by marketing boffins
  18. Atleast someone else agrees with me. "LMAO LOOK AT DOZE RIMZORORORZ"
  19. That deserves a http://www.rofl.name/roflcopter/ and a and http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/index.php/YTMND with a hint of =================== It seems like people are really over rating sex in this thread. Like its a do or die thing.... its disgusting to think so many "men" are so pussy whipped.
  20. Hasnt ben packed on the pounds since hes got his bitch. Picture before the comp one = thin.. pic after = porker millionaire I think ashley butler has some of my spunk on his cheek.
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