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Everything posted by munkee

  1. munkee

    My Biatch

    looking good matey :) colour coding isnt everything nowadays id prefer something that rides nice than to being colour coded... but this is coming from mr colour code himself so i cant talk
  2. smo had this i beleive.. opened it up and the whole thing fell apart if i remember correctly. All in all it was just generally nackered but that was a deore possibly the worst hub for trials ever
  3. munkee

    Mothers Day

    haha talking off different dates for mothers day last year i was on yahoo playin pool and it said it was mothers day today.. i was like... Oh my god... then asked my dad and he got worried about it too then found out its different in america when we had a look through a diary :) anyway back to topic. got me mam some flowers and 2 dvds and a card.. i got the card my dad sorted the rest how lame am i
  4. munkee

    Clim8 6 Poter

    dont go with a disc rear it's just going to end in tears when the chainstay cracks. Get a grind and new pads and that will be it. Tar is always a last resort not the norm.
  5. http://www.trials-shack.co.uk/leedstrials/p/pulsevid.mpg
  6. well liked that vid :blink: good job watson
  7. munkee

    Chris King

    seen them before a million times... still pimp. I can see my self using them when i cant ride trials due to old age... not being able to let go.
  8. keep pedaling dont pause at all and comit
  9. i got 4 coulndt care either :-p
  10. ok i know this is for stock but maybe of some use. i used to ride a onza t raptor bar and stem on my zoo boa. Felt great and everything but they started flexing bad so i thought time for a new bar and stem. Got ma self a echo bar and stem combo really really low in comparison. They felt pretty gay to be honest.. my bike felt a mile shorter.. i cant gap anywhere near what i used to just.. everything went gay i felt like i was going to go over the front because to compensate for the lack of distance id try to lower the front lower and lower and just couldnt get the power through. Apart from maybe wheel swapping, started to get better at that. oh and i couldnt surge at all i just couldnt pull the front end up quick enough. See my bike in general felt like a dead dog in a bath. So i thought id try a little test and got me a monty bar and stem. Ive been using them for 2 weeks now and im in love. Cant fault them at all really it just made my bike feel how it should again.. my gapping is still shocking.. since i still have a wank technique from the echo bar and stem. Higher rise on the front all the way. The lower bar and stems are useless for me. in my opinion it could all be personal preference, techniques, style, experience. But for me the switch back has worked
  11. munkee

    New Vid

    your blind i swear.... that was a good vid hope to see some more soon seems like a very good rider to me
  12. munkee


    its strange to be honest some places they face you and other places they dont. Either way they will get you.. just dont sign anything that comes through saying it was you or whatever
  13. yea go to gmail.google.com for more info
  14. tres good! nice to see a longer video :( :P
  15. trust.. the live strong bands are now a fashion item.. take a look round a university
  16. because if i spent the same amount of money on my car as my bike i would be called a chav
  17. what does he do in the above pic?
  18. munkee

    A New Vid

    linky: http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=49570
  19. the only thing they can do is give their view in court... thats all i can say :o
  20. that picture is quality watson :o
  21. i had it this time two weeks ago proper bad i was in bed for 2 days straight without even leaving it only to piss once i think. Its nasty as hell theres been a few of my friends going home due to it. Get well soon people and think about how good you will feel once its all over and seeing all those c**ts you hate starting to get flu :o
  22. very well colour co-ordinated well done dude
  23. this should help dude: http://forum.mess.be/index.php?showtopic=4440 theres a tool to download off mess.be sounds like it works for some but not others worth a go though!
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