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Everything posted by munkee

  1. Thanks for picking on me bully
  2. I just watched her documenatary thing that was on somewhere near the end she said something like this " im glad people notice me more now for my talent and that im a great tennis player etc etc"... but its not... its cos shes one of the only fit female players around lately. Id knob her... and her mom shes a bit a of a milf... well.. sort of. http://www.genmay.com/showthread.php?t=545870&page=3&pp=15 lol look at the post by bolas at the bottom.. now thats comedy
  3. doubt it, seems like a few people have this new pitball frame too
  4. what is this pitball you talk of?
  5. Haha thats probably the funniest thing that anyone could have said... Why dont you go in to school early and ask around? or ask someone doing the same subject maybe? sorry to sound like a willy... but there is an easy solution
  6. Depends upon what make of laptop i expect but my dell has marked out covers which you unscrew and you can lift out the whole of the fan. Just take a look for any openings where a fan is and try and unscrew a cover.. should do the trick.
  7. i clicked on the advertising on that site, the spider thingy and it found this on trials-forum.co.uk "Keywords" Meta tag: Bike, Trials, Bike Trials, uk, mountain bike, stunts, tricks, azonic, onza, chris king, koxx, echo, zoo, forum, discussion, danny_is_cool, wheels, parts, reviews, links, mountain, bike, London, England, kmc, kool, Michelin, kujo, sticky, trialsin, news, mini seat, tomturd_smells_of_wee, spam, riders, really_cool_members, community, motorbike lol.. im sad
  8. get a picture of it and stick it in paint and colour in some of the parts till you find what suits you? remember less is more
  9. munkee

    Hidden Folders

    sorry to take this offtopic but is it just me or is winamp really shoddy for playing videos? like the loading times in comparison with WMP it seems sluggish and in general drains so much of my system resources.
  10. Although this applies for my laptop, ages ago i posted about my laptop running super slow. It was getting worse and worse as the weeks went on. I defraged, deleted, formated did everything under the sun i could think of. For a comparison CS:S was runnin at 80fps when i first started playing.. it went down to 10fps and was unplayable with everything turned to low and some console command tweaking. Then i decided suddenly one day to give the fans a good clean out and wholey shit.. the fans were caked in bloody dust im suprised they could still spin, also all the air vents were clogged up. After the clean out my fps on CS:S went up to 120.. and my laptop now runs silent instead of sounding like its gonna explode. I dont know how relevant this will be for your pc but i was in the same boat a few months back and it seems the easiest of things you always miss out.
  11. munkee


    Too many big words in that post ----^ Nice warehouse.. I bet it smells nice in there too.. you can just tell.
  12. zoo and echo had a pretty good fight oh and to settle all the arguing: http://www.googlefight.com/index.php?lang=...rd2=selectbikes
  13. ill be there..... its already scorching hot here...
  14. is the rear wheel so much smaller so its easier to pull the front end up? i know it quotes something like 19" and 16" even though theres a fat tyre on the back theres still a difference ... any idea why?
  15. munkee

    Gu Bike. Typhoon

    a chosen ginger... my god ive heard everything... next aeroplanes will be flying with engines on top of the wing instead of underneath!
  16. munkee

    Gu Bike. Typhoon

    As a fellow ginger i would be happy to be an observer/referee in the blood slaughtering battle to the death.
  17. lol i said it was a juicer before... ive seen them on qvc
  18. munkee

    Falling Out

    Not wanting to turn this in to a bitching thread but people who dont wear helmets to me make the sport look wreckless and dangerous. We all know the dangers that come with not wearing a helmet, ive seen people take enough hits to the head to know for a fact id rather just not ride without it. If we cant spend £30 on a helmet id imagine the general public will just see us as goons damaging walls etc with no self respect for ourselves let alone other peoples property. Like you said.. why should i care its someone else, but until we get a post up about sum kid with his brains splattered all over the floor i expect nothing will change anyway. Would put many people off starting trials if i were an average joe watching that happen... just get branded "stupid kids on their bikes". Sorry for the lack of construction but trials gets enough shit from damage to property, we can atleast make it look like we are trying to do things safely.
  19. i read somewhere.. i know where but i dont want to say , we jack off because old sperm dont get women up the duff, so jacking off gets rid of the old uns so theres always new pedigree spermies ready to unleash the fury on some poor egg... or rubber jonny
  20. Anyone in need a of a Job? jack off buddy
  21. munkee

    Car Insurance

    pass plus knocks off 34% with norwich union and your 19 been driving 2 years this july... yes i asked
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