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Everything posted by munkee

  1. munkee


    Learn to f**king spell!
  2. happy bday (its a good one since your thread gets graced by a post from me)
  3. without having a clue what guy above said.. deja vu is just when your tired and your brain sticks things in long term memory by accident when u see something and at the same time reads it from there making you think its happened before...the simplest explenation i have heard anyway. no idea on the extent of the truth
  4. i lol'd throughout the whole thing. Watched with gf and her parents and wogans comments are champion. He got all emotional at the end saying whether some countries including the UK should bother entering next time. It is such joke and i dont think wogan will be hosting/etc anything with it anymore. Spain was the biggest shit ever France was even bigger shit Uk was OK and should have beaten those 2 on talent but sadly euro isnt based on talent =p russias oil seemed to have swayed it this year =p suprising since thye seem to keep turning the pipes off and on to some of its neighbours when they feel like it lol
  5. heh its just annoying.. i cant really do anything but live with it and trust. Im old enough now to realise if shit happens it clearly wasnt worth it.. and i aint really going to stoop down to any level just to make myself feel a bit better but also f**k the relationship at same time. So meh..i gotta live with it.. just sucks when u cant do owt
  6. As shit as this is.. i dont trust my gf's ex.. and never will. But for her i have to deal with them being friends. Its such a f**king hard thing to live with, u cant ask someone to ditch someone else just cos you are going out with them. But seriously.. it does my head in and i dont know why.. its like if i lose her to anyone .. its going to be him.. hes got nothing to lose by trying it on with her.
  7. dont think it wud let u have that punctuation in there?
  8. nice to see the better man walked away from that one /ignores trialsforum
  9. add .gigolo to your email addy... for instance mine is spacemunkee.gigolo@ it adds plenty of spice to your email address especially when filling out applications and stuff
  10. tf is shit now compared to what it was when i signed up... but ah well
  11. pussy reason to give up. good bye
  12. so wait.. ..... actually.. no.. this is just awful to comment on even
  13. munkee


    Bring Up My Post
  14. munkee


    As part of a friends final year project for uni can anyone who is working full time in the uk please fill in this questionnaire to help out: http://alene.nasra.googlepages.com/home
  15. Handed the f**ker in today 24,000 words 104 pages.. i hated every moment
  16. 4chan has my respect. Its only ever sickened me once and that was with the caterday shit.. god that was epic f**ked up :| also.. i think 2chan is dead now? that was pretty much a front forum for child porn :| also.. u dont need 4chan for: You'll end up seing some guy with his cock split in two with a pringle tube up his ass eating shit out of a limless dwarfs asshole. www.bmezine.com is good enough.. google bme trailer... or bme olympics. all great watch on a friday night in with a pizza.
  17. <h3 id="InteractiveResultsTitle" class="result">You are the ideal weight for your height</h3> <h3 id="BMIResults" class="">Your BMI is 22.5</h3> If your BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9 you're an ideal weight for your height.
  18. WEAK! i havent been to gym in weeks and went back on monday and was doing 32kg flat , 28kg decline and 28k incline... and i felt crap compared to normal :| i used to always do barbell but i have proper muscle imbalance so switch to dumbells.. and ill never go back. However.. i was shocking at BB.. 70kg flat 75kg decline and like 60 incline =[
  19. body still adapts as long as you eat
  20. you can do anything as much or as little as you want. Your body adapts..
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