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About munkee

  • Birthday 02/12/1986

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    Tyne & Wear
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    Echo lite, lite forks, echo cranks, vp pedals, front avid 203mm, rear magura + rock pads + hope hosing. + Bling bling dice dust caps ... thats how a nigga role baby
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    United Kingdom

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Too Much Spare Time

Too Much Spare Time (7/9)



  1. Went to start the lotus this morning to take it round the corner and get the front re-sprayed and all I got was a click... uh oh! Second attempt not even any electrics.. double uh oh.. 9 minutes later I was at euro picking up a new battery and was astonished at how cheap they are at the moment http://www.eurocarparts.com/ecp/p/accessories-car-batteries/car-batteries/most-popular-car-battery/075-car-batteries/?444770751&0&cc5_995 £40 bingo! Car started first time and a reset ecu means it sounds like a rocket thank god it was something so simple. I figure the other battery was nackered it's been on the car for 7 years and its one of the stupid mini battery types only 35Ah :|
  2. Its all gone a bit too metro for me. Apple were the ones setting the high standards graphically.. the calendar page turns, the notes looking like an actual notebook. They have really lost touch with that now and gone down the same route that windows and google (web) have gone. Minimal, flat, light colours.. great.. time and a place... but its now been done and as said before it feels like apple are a few steps behind everyone else. Control center good to have but its been standard for so long on other platforms. The setting screen is particularly disgusting mind and I cant see how to shut down apps as I could before, nor adjust brightness as I used to. Overall very underwhelming but I expect that is due to the hype apple carries with it as a brand.
  3. I prefer the sugar free version. Good for metabolism
  4. Awesome driving roads from Italy. A couple of guys from the lotus forum went on a trek across europe:
  5. Well the lotus has been in the garage for a week now and its driving me crazy not having it When I bought the car I noticed on the service history it had "heaters to be checked - customer request" but no outcome. Sadly when I got the car delivered and I tested the heaters they weren't working (no fans) even though the dealer had said they were working when it left his place. After a while I had some intermittent success but eventually on a drive home during a thunderstorm they completely packed in. No amount of wiping away the condensation or driving with the windows open in the pissing rain could help me. I had to pull over on the A1 and wait for the rain to pass and let the engine cool down. It seems heat from the cooler at the front was just being thrown up to hit the windscreen and had made everything 100x worse. A quick call to the guy I bought the car from has resulted in a £700 fix, none of which I have to pay for. Happy days and just in time for shite weather to return in the next couple of months.
  6. £580 to insure the lotus elise with just 4 years NCD, to be parked on the drive, 6k miles a year and the wench as a named driver. EPIC
  7. Deffo I never thought I would go for the bright colours however I wouldnt have it any other way now. It adds to the overall look I think. Always gets the heads turning too
  8. Ive had the lotus for a week now and so it's time for some pics! https://www.dropbox.com/sc/sc3ftud0sv7f52w/I6aWCTu58i Have to say its a frickin phenomenal drive its a 111r sports racer limited edition 2006 one of 100 made and 1 of 50 in the red and white so hopefully it keeps its value
  9. Lotus is being delivered on Saturday after passing its MOT im wet with pre-cum already
  10. Lotus elise sports racer 111r as per http://www.pistonheads.com/classifieds/used-cars/lotus/elise-s2/elise-s2-111r--sports-racer----deposit-taken/1446305 Sent a good hour and half test driving it through the new forest yesterday was perfect weather. The car is epic! Getting it delivered next week hopefully
  11. Bought the lotus!!1!1!!11!1!1!11
  12. Adobe acrobat xi will do it for you. Pdf to word is easy with it
  13. Aye I do like the exiges. The s2 s's are the only ones worth going for though unless you can push the boat out for a v6 . aside from the body the only real diff between the 111r and exige s is the supercharger which gives a more linear power curve. Saying that though you can get them to 320bhp with standard parts which makes a slight difference!
  14. Sigh! lotus was sold before I got to it.. and was sorting out going to see this http://www.pistonheads.com/classifieds/used-cars/lotus/elise-s2/elise-s2-111r--sports-racer--2006/1446305 on Friday but seems someone is going in to give over the deposit on tuesday.. f**kers keep getting to the cars too quick! Hopefully they dont bother tuesday..
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