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Everything posted by aust

  1. eheheh. it looks reyt like that but its when those lights go off. grrr makes me want to smash the thing ehehe,
  2. god those phones are ugly !!!! sorry but it just doesnt float my boat and i think anyone who buys them should be shot... not you though obviously :(. nah a phone is a phone and you can talk and txt with them so meh....
  3. that was also on the new last night :(
  4. bit of a let down really.... im not saying shit about if it exist or not because ill get haunted in my sleep tonight
  5. he did... hense why hes world champ :( *gimme a kiss bucky*
  6. shall i lick your ass when i see you next ben ???? boodiful video well chilled out and some nice moves going on, ahaha the shots of danny always make me laff...... dunno why though. dave is always in danny's vids and yours too is mental
  7. 8ft is dooable. dont see why you need clips for it:S. dunno how far i can gap never really take tape measures out with me i just ride and if i make it i make it and if i dont i dont. i just class gaps as small or large not in measurements(no point if you ask me)
  8. you are joking right ???. sick video neil, good luck with the foot dude. come ride brum some time soon when your all better and maybe ill actually come and ride with you this time love aust*many kisses*
  9. i was out once upo a time wth a friend and his pad pulled of the backing so we stuff wood in the brake to make a bodge so he could hop arond a little bit and it worked really really well, try it
  10. a dude i ride with is nearly 24! its fine, your not old !!!!! im 15 (Y) still young and dumb and full of things that aint appropriate to say on here
  11. flippineck! i was hyper wasnt i!!! the thing is i actually remember trying to suck tims cock (Y). and fighting with fatmike. ah well it was a night to remember thats for sure.....
  12. wide rims are made out of shite material so your rear brake may not work as well and wont hold a grind very well eithe, the wide rims are light.
  13. dont spray it gold for the love of god! spray it black. nice and original and will contrast nicely with the gold
  14. sure are. i think kenichi iwasa does them... have to get them from japan. i think the site is www.goldrush.jp(or whatever it is for japan)
  15. monty foams ?? cheap to replace
  16. aust

    Gmail Invites

    ive only got 4 !!! :@ ill go and sign in and check now.
  17. aust

    Msn Fools.

    ahaha yeah. they are quite a few fools on the internet nowadays(me included). that did make me giggle. i think we should all add him and tell him that we want to give him a good rimmin. see whos scared then :P" .
  18. aust


    i might come :P. the more people who come to this and support it the better. help advertise our sport a bit more. and show the council how many riders there are that need events like this all around the country. aust
  19. you can swim cant you scott ???eehe. just take your brain out and go for it. looks well mint there i think i will have to come to lowesoft now if you fancy showing me around ? aust
  20. aust

    Garden Practice?

    my gardens full of shit!. i will get a picture today because im taking my camera out anyway :wub:
  21. the british champs hawziee will take over.
  22. sounds good to me. i like camping (Y). im there :sick:
  23. my dad can make them. and so can coust uk
  24. i will give you one tip on how to tap. dont lean back when you tap. lean into the wall(it may sound scary but it works) and everyone is telling you to lean back LOADS!. dont, only lean back a little bit. so when you hit the edge of the wall you drag your brake so it sorts of manuals you onto the top of the wall. aust
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