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Everything posted by aust

  1. snappel.... i am riding the show... so yeah :-.. if you come ill see you there....
  2. the frame was f**king ace!!.. just me liking long bikes i didnt really get on with the length of it :-
  3. it doesnt... down tube is totally different
  4. i really would love too... will be an awesome show though :) come on down
  5. haha.. that hook in the second picture ws as big as me.. nearly face planted a few attempts before :">
  6. is it a free game thingy.... or do you have to like.. sign up n shiz
  7. Anyone riding tomorrow in the day, can travel but not to far, so near as possible to Brum .
  8. thats what i was trying to get across....... i think youve misunderstood slightly... but eventually... that weight wont challenge you will it... and youl have to increase it.. thats what im trying to say
  9. but lifting a heavier weight than your bike helps more.... its like when you where a kid you would probably struggle to lift a 2 litre bottle of water.. but now it seems like nothing, and it wouldn't tire your muscles like it did when you where a child... the same will happen with the bike.. the muscles can only be trained so much on the bike... so lifting heavier weights using the same muscles used on the bike... will help alot...
  10. aust

    My Knees Hurt

    get some cod liver oil tablets down thee... even though i dont suffer from stuff like that i still take it because i dont fancy having f**ked joints... its worth a try if it stops the pain... p.s make sure you have the capsules... not take it off a spoon cos it taste god damn awful !
  11. he still rides for zoo i think.... but yeah.. nice simple site...
  12. aust

    Funny Faces

    yeah i think its best that it stays on that island and never leaves.... haha... that was funny
  13. aust

    Funny Faces

    andy = the funniest guy ever try to ride with him every bloody day..... hes got some funny as shit stories !!!
  14. aust

    Funny Faces

    it was just f**king funny... i was sitting there in your house and you just randomly showed it me... i started crying it was so funny.... :-... i told him he had to put it on the net (N).. so there it is right there :- dooowwnloooaaad
  15. what ?? skinny with long arms ???? :-... take up boxing.. its amazing... you dont have to fight (like i did).. you can just train.. when you fight you get your head kicked in... tisn't good.. i just train now
  16. aust

    Hair Dye

    they should wash it for you if its a decent hair dressers.... even if you had washed it before you went they will still wash it when you get there... dirt n shit f**ks the peroxide up..
  17. its not just what weights you lift and what positions you lift them in.... its the way you lift the weight thats important... otherwise you are building the wrong sort of muscle.. you need to build explosive muscles... fast muscle fibre is what you want... if your just lifting slow dropping slow you helping slow muscle fibres.... which is bad for your riding cos youl get really slow and not very explosive... lift explosively and let down slow...
  18. eating shit like macdonalds etc isnt good..... lots of high protein food such as tuna... creatine will make you "look bulkier" but wont make any difference to your strength.... it just makes your muscles hold more water so they are bigger but not any more efficient...protein shakes for boxers are VERY good... they are virtually pure protein and contain no fat ....to keep riding i strongly suggest a boxers diet..... but instead of boxing... lift weights... its what i was on for a while when i was well into boxing..
  19. amino acid... helps muscle repair faster.... magnesium.. prevents cramp protein will feed the muscle... so a protein shake after working out and a good meal with a high protein content should be eaten 30 minutes or before working out.... because during those thirty minutes you can eat as much as you like and not put any weight on at all... this is because your muslces are torn and soak up everything you take in.. thats why it is important to have a high protein meal and protein shake after working out.... protein feeds muscles.. makes them grow etc etc.. make sure you warm up proper before you start lifting heavy... lots of stretches also... if you want to get upper body strength for riding.. make sure its explosive power.. not just like normal lifting... you should lift around 80% of your maximum weight... lift it explosively and let it down slow... LOW WEIGHT HIGH REPS is the key to explosive power... hope this helps :- aust
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