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aust last won the day on September 25 2010

aust had the most liked content!

About aust

  • Birthday 03/02/1989

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  • Real Name
    austin wright
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    gay porn
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aust's Achievements

Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. Was this last Saturday?? or this Saturday the 22nd ??
  2. aust

    Trialsworks Zoo1

    mikes tyre pressures are a bit mental !
  3. dont think so mate.. if anything ill ride elite next time round... and you dont know me.. and i suggest you dont comment on my level or experience of riding skill had nothing to do with it.. it was pure fitness i might aswell of got my xc bike out and done it... was a complete joke.. worste trials ive ever attended in the years fin
  4. yesterday reminded me of why i stopped riding biu all them years ago.. sections where stupidly long.. to the point where it was a competition on pure fitness and nothing to do with skill i hit my head on a branch and concurred one point... the bloke then cut it down so no one else had this problem and i kept my mark.. cos thats fair ?? wont be going to these any more uci
  5. thomas ohler (an old austrian mate of mine) used to ride for them it was originally designed for helium pump up ! but people just used air as it gave more dent resistance but as soon as it got bashed a bit it wouildnt hold pressure horrible frame they really are
  6. aust

    Wawa Vs Katowice 4

    my mans the size of dani comas
  7. I used to ride my bike at the Earl Shilton moto trials ground, the rocks & obsticals were a little small, I got bored realy quick.
  8. Hi, do you have any photos of the rocks & obsticles ? is there a charge for using the ground ? Thanks
  9. do you still have the bike? would like to buy it ?

  10. might aswell ride bare foot !
  11. why is this even here? does it honestly matter if you stay still ? hop or what ?
  12. you jump way too high when you slap/hook or whatever you guys call it nowadays.. your bashguard is practically smacking into the wall your doing it that high.. the whole idea of it is to get up without hitting the peddle/bash try jumping up less and concentrate on carrying that momentum forwards
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