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About MADgj

  • Birthday 05/04/1970

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  • Real Name
    Grant Jones
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    MAD Team Edition 26 inch

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Helping to manage and run the MAD Team.
  • Location
    Wilmington, Kent

MADgj's Achievements

Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. The NASS competition this year was run with a computerised scoring system to make it as fair as possible. Score sheets from Martyn Ashton, Ot Pi & Cesar Canas were entered into a specially designed excel spreadhseet which totalled the scores for each rider based on Style, Technique, Innovation and Showmanship. All Entrants had the opportunity to show their talents to the judges for 3 minutes and the three highest scoring Riders were then given the opportunity to compete again in a Grand Final for the judges to make their final decision as to who should take the prize. The Expert final was particularly close and as those who witnessed it will remember the judges felt that it was just too close to call. A ride off was called between the 2 top riders being Matt & Sam. However, although Sam tried his best he was disadvantaged by the fact that his bike had broken in the previous final and so he was forced to use someone elses. Sam valiantly attempted to ride the difficult course set out by Ot Pi, but on a bike that he was not used to this proved to be too difficult. It was therefore decided to revert to the scores from the original round to decide the winner which showed that Matt had stolen victory by only 5 clear points. I hope this clarifies the situation but should you require further clarification or even a copy of the full breakdown of Comp scores, please do not hesitate to email madnews@btinternet.com.
  2. The NASS competition this year was run with a computerised scoring system to make it as fair as possible. Score sheets from Martyn Ashton, Ot Pi & Cesar Canas were entered into a specially designed excel spreadhseet which totalled the scores for each rider based on Style, Technique, Innovation and Showmanship. All Entrants had the opportunity to show their talents to the judges for 3 minutes and the three highest scoring Riders were then given the opportunity to compete again in a Grand Final for the judges to make their final decision as to who should take the prize. The Expert final was particularly close and as those who witnessed it will remember the judges felt that it was just too close to call. A ride off was called between the 2 top riders being Matt & Sam. However, although Sam tried his best he was disadvantaged by the fact that his bike had broken in the previous final and so he was forced to use someone elses. Sam valiantly attempted to ride the difficult course set out by Ot Pi, but on a bike that he was not used to this proved to be too difficult. It was therefore decided to revert to the scores from the original round to decide the winner which showed that Matt had stolen vistory by only 5 clear points. I hope this clarifies the situation but should you require further clarification or even a copy of the full breakdown of Comp scores, please do not hesitate to email madnews@btinternet.com.
  3. MADgj

    Nass Footage?

    We will have a good selection of NASS pics on the MAD website soon. We just have so many pictures it is difficult to know which ones to use!
  4. Or even: "Quick pull my finger!"
  5. How about: " Okay let's all throw our car keys in the pool and the persons that I pull out can have me in the bushes over there"
  6. MADgj

    Nass Results

    The NASS competition this year was run with a computerised scoring system to make it as fair as possible. Score sheets from Martyn Ashton, Ot Pi & Cesar Canas were entered into a specially designed excel spreadhseet which totalled the scores for each rider based on Style, Technique, Innovation and Showmanship. All Entrants had the opportunity to show their talents to the judges for 3 minutes and the three highest scoring Riders were then given the opportunity to compete again in a Grand Final for the judges to make their final decision as to who should take the prize. The Expert final was particularly close and as those who witnessed it will remember the judges felt that it was just too close to call. A ride off was called between the 2 top riders being Matt & Sam. However, although Sam tried his best he was disadvantaged by the fact that his bike had broken in the previous final and so he was forced to use someone elses. Sam valiantly attempted to ride the difficult course set out by Ot Pi, but on a bike that he was not used to this proved to be too difficult. It was therefore decided to revert to the scores from the original round to decide the winner which showed that Matt had stolen vistory by only 5 clear points. I hope this clarifies the situation but should you require further clarification or even a copy of the full breakdown of Comp scores, please do not hesitate to email madnews@btinternet.com.
  7. The NASS competition this year was run with a computerised scoring system to make it as fair as possible. Score sheets from Martyn Ashton, Ot Pi & Cesar Canas were entered into a specially designed excel spreadhseet which totalled the scores for each rider based on Style, Technique, Innovation and Showmanship. All Entrants had the opportunity to show their talents to the judges for 3 minutes and the three highest scoring Riders were then given the opportunity to compete again in a Grand Final for the judges to make their final decision as to who should take the prize. The Expert final was particularly close and as those who witnessed it will remember the judges felt that it was just too close to call. A ride off was called between the 2 top riders being Matt & Sam. However, although Sam tried his best he was disadvantaged by the fact that his bike had broken in the previous final and so he was forced to use someone elses. Sam valiantly attempted to ride the difficult course set out by Ot Pi, but on a bike that he was not used to this proved to be too difficult. It was therefore decided to revert to the scores from the original round to decide the winner which showed that Matt had stolen vistory by only 5 clear points. I hope this clarifies the situation but should you require further clarification or even a copy of the full breakdown of Comp scores, please do not hesitate to email madnews@btinternet.com.
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