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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. Barbra

    Good Films

    thems are alllls good :closedeyes: EDIT:never heard of tom yum goong
  2. www.freewebs.com/trials-pimps :closedeyes: :angry:
  3. thats funny as :( did you see it in the paper a while ago, one sheep fell off a cliff and the rest of them jumped off, there was something like 50,000 in the end that jumped off :( :D :D
  4. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! LMFAO!! that is just ace lol :( :(
  5. i want that doggy, i'd call it bill, 'butt ugly bill' B)
  6. i will monday the 22nd, i would've today but i didn't bother looking on trials-forum earlier :)
  7. Barbra

    X-box 360

    HHHEEEELLLLLL NO This guy, please pay close attention to the bold writing :P the xbox 360 is better, for a start when they revealed the ps3 and xbox 360 they showed xbox 360 in game footage, and ps3 introduction footage of the games, and you could hardly tell them apart, and ive heard that sony said they have 7 processors in it, which is a blatent lie because it would melt the plastic of the damn case, lol :P or you would need the damn thing water cooled, and that would cost a hell of a lot
  8. i live 10 mins away from where the crack heads live/shit :- so yea i'd be up for it in the next couple of weeks to answer the other guy, i'd bring a couple of mates along too :-
  9. this dude should win. :lol: :lol: :lol: i laughed so much
  10. Do NOT post new threads asking when you will be validated • Do NOT post new threads asking why you cant post anywhere else • Do NOT email us when you realise you cant post anywhere else • For Sale/Wanted/Swap threads are not allowed in New Members Chat • Do NOT cross post between Members Chat forums and New Members Chat. (Y)
  11. Barbra


    I posted this a while back in NMC and i got slated for it (Y) i got these as well though Swing your bollocks Oh my god's, its a chav
  12. i like the license plate 'cos it says aww :blink: :P nah thats a good deal, i rarther like vw's myself B)
  13. i agree, IMO corish has done the best one so far, although they're all good i do like the one corish did B) :blink:
  14. I agree completely enough said
  15. Very tastey cars.... i don't like the ferrarri the topic starter put a picture up of, neither do i like the enzo, i like f40's though. and an evo is just dreamy.
  16. I would do all these things :P (Y)
  17. Barbra

    Java Games

    lol :( i agree, use google its the way of the future :-
  18. Please don't spell queer wrong again its rarther annoying :P just like this topic but i love to laugh, monkey slays me. Nath
  19. The monkey makes me laugh again :) . Plus he is speaking the truth to be quite honest mate nath
  20. Emery all you have done is bring great advertisement to team monkey :) :P Nath
  21. Your doing pretty good mate.Ive been riding a week or so and i can gap 3'11" static, but i had a really good friend help me, i still fall off ALOT, i'm really clumsy as well which doesn't help, i have several gashes in my shins and i don't know how many of you have seen chit chat but there are pictures of me when i have fell off :P but i don't mind falling, i just really need to purchase a helmet!!! Nath
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