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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. i think we should introduce this fella to mr monkey, see how much of a cockey ass he is after arguing with him :D welcome anyway
  2. thank you mr ailsbury you minx :D lol, xbox rules ps2 sucks, close this thread and leave it at that :P
  3. :P my iguana isn't a dog he's good looking :D lol
  4. before anyone asks he's 5 and a half foot long :D beasty iguana
  5. Barbra


    :)--> QUOTE(danny B @ Nov 2 2005, 10:40 AM) ← bin there with me brother a couple of times, wouldnt say it was the mutts nuts but alright if you've got no where better to go. better if i owned a skateboard!!!! :P thats precisely why we like it, we have no where better go
  6. i can't decide between them :- i'm so confuzzled, i'd need more info on it if i was to choose, bb rise? length? etc
  7. Thanks alot ^_^, nah i'd rarther do without the steroids :(
  8. I prefer my t - mag than any t - pro that ive ridden to be honest, so i'm obviously gonna say go for the t - mag
  9. no, i go to a shite school that has naff all, but chavs of course, so no gym ^_^ is there anything i can do for my abs apart from sit ups? sorry if its already been answered i just don't understand all this malarky about positions and shizzle :(
  10. christ, probably like globo gym of dodgeball ^_^ erm yea i'll probably see if i like it B) in the meantime is there anything i can do other than situps to do my abs, they hurt my back :(
  11. haha i'd end up dropping it if i tried that :( lol so i am old enough to join a gym? and is it costy? how much?
  12. ive wanted to do weight training, and abs, but my questions are: am i too young? i am 14 years old, but i'm very big for my age, broad not fat. can i go in a gym at my age? is it costy?, because i don't want to be spending alot of money just to get my body looking good cheers guys :(
  13. ive heard rumours that these rims are like cheese, could somebody please clarify whether or not they are like cheese?
  14. never been egged, but someone through a burger out of a car window and hit my mate in the face and she fell in a bush, i fell to the floor and laughed my ass off :(
  15. why the hell are people always moaning about the size of the pads, i think they're fine, i prefer the xbox pad to any other pad, one person says oh the pads are crap, tv says oh the pads are crap, conclusion these sheep that always follow must then think the pads are crap :(
  16. XBOX!!!!! the only reason people still go for the ps2 is because its been the more dominant console for longer, then the xbox came along and people are afraid of change, as me having an xbox and a ps2 i'd definetly say XBOX :(
  17. Barbra


    will do :P i'd of joined you aust but, ive only just got in from school, stupid detention system ;)
  18. Barbra


    yay, i'll be up there tomorrow (wednesday) as well :P it will be after school for me though, so about half 4 to 5 i should be there ;)
  19. Barbra


    cause were rock solid ;) hehehe no, nobody really gives you trouble, we have had none anyway
  20. Barbra


    eerrrm i always thought it was stoke station, but try stoke-on-trent station (Y)
  21. Barbra

    Ok Help Me Guys

    get a big box to cover your body, cut a hole where your cock is, lye down stick your cock through the hole, and go as a sex machine, make sure you put a slot for the money go in, oh and make sure you write sex machine on lol B) (Y)
  22. Barbra


    you obviously can't get straight there by train but its pretty close to stoke station, and i live by stoke station :) so yes you can get there by train (Y)
  23. Barbra


    hanley forest park (Y)
  24. Barbra


    yes bikes are allowed (Y)
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