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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. stocks are just mountain bikes, acting like a proper trial bike (mod) lol, even though i considered switching
  2. EXACTLY....we all love seeing chavs get beaten lol, even if another chav is giving the beatings Nath
  3. well ive found all my prezzies, but my mum 'n' dad are evil and as soon as they get the prezzies they wrap them up, the only thing i KNOW i'm getting is a phone
  4. Haha you loved it that much you had to start a new topic on tf didn't you dan lol anyway, yer 'tis a really good film, watched it many a time. Nath
  5. its this friday dude. Me and my mates can't get down anyway. My chain snapped plus, i have no luck with trains, i don't even knows prices or times
  6. I really wanna come!!! i'll talk to me mates and see what i can do, will reply if we can get down just like to say, you ride like a beast lol, i wanna meet you hehehe don't worry i aint a perve Nath
  7. So, question is, what are the grippiest pedals to buy????????
  8. My hero!! lol i want to start but, i have no cash and i can't get none
  9. HAHA, lol something about all that damage that makes me laugh lol, ask santa for a new frame Or get a job and save for a new frame, or sell some personal posessions if your that desperate
  10. Push the pads as far in towards the rim, without hitting the rim, and tighten the clamps as much as possible. Wind the TPA to the maximum, and try your break then, if it works then you can adjust your TPA to the setting that you like it, if not then your probably gonna need a rebleed, either do it in the bath (use the search button to find out how) or get yourself a bleed kit, not sure where to buy from but i got mine from my LBS
  11. HAHA you just got pwned mister
  12. The geo and the wheelbase is lurvly, but its all down to what you like. top frame
  13. niiiiiiiiiccccceeee one mate!! i enjoyed that, the only thing i didnt' like was the music I see you went up the plaza though, enjoy it?
  14. Sorry Ali, gonna have disagree with you there mate I rarther like high bb, it gives me more control of the bike, and yes it has alot more control on the rear wheel, which i also love. For me the higher the better, but it all comes down to how you like it, so i suggest you get out and you try out high bb, low bb, and just in the middle bb hight
  15. why?????? just give us more information and find out how to fix it
  16. nah screw the double disk shizzle, get some shexual geometry, a nice high bb, and bring something new to the trials world!!!
  17. oh my god!!! i hate mega upload, i can't download it tom "too many connections from my ip address" bah. If someone can download, could you please upload it to a better server
  18. Hello fella', i'm more or less the same hight, i'm heavier than you, but when i rode a t rex it was fine, lurrvley bike, i'd say go for it many people will argue it doesn't matter about hight or weight on this forum anyway.
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