did anyone play raliango? Basically kiss chase, but if you get caught you keep getting kissed by the same girl unless you get tagged out of the "base" lol what a fun game
I used to go crazy over pokemon cards Some lad gave me all his shiny's i was like YAY!! but then when we were walking along the canal...a "hard" guy came along and asked for them. so he took them back off me and gave them this lad. I punched him then chucked all his cards in the canal and ran off lol. One of my mates could've either had a snake or a big box of poke'mon cards, guess which he chose... the damn cards
Isn't the newcastle ride the one up in scotland?? thats what i thought. Really gutted to hear that, if i see anyone on either of them bikes, i'll be sure to hit and run (with bike/s)
i have found it, the key to save your sanity a little late but oh well. You will need to find a random person somewhere, preferbly a chav (you will see why) the sanity saving how to
even worse...I can have a bmx but i have to wait, till july birthday you see EDIT: Even even worse, i never got one had to spend my money fixing my trial bike, plus i got a new frame.
I'm trying to delete songs from my mp3 player but whenever i try i get an error message saying. "cannot delete blah blah song the disk is write protected remove the write protection or use another disk" i thought it could be that the read only attribute was ticked, but it wasn't that. I tried deleting it through cmd commands, that didn't work either. Has anybody any clue how to get rid of write protection? cheers EDIT: just found out i can't add songs to my mp3 player either, it gives me the same error message. Don't know whether that helps
Ay up mate, i would also like to view some pictures of the bike Aaawww gay boy lol, only kiddin davey. Your in a good mood what you been taking? Only with certain people play your cards right and you just might be in with some luck </sarcasm>
hmm...saw this topic and i thought it would be a good chance to reintroduce the stoke skate plaza. Linky McLinkerson happy riding you bmx chaps EDIT: correct link this time
We had some army guys come in our school, they made us run.....alot lol. Anyway to more of the point, i asked them if they did trials in the army and they said yes but i forgot to ask if it was motorbike or pedal Anyway i'm sure they'd let you. I'm thinking about joining the army as well, dunno whether i will, but royal engineers is the way forward
If i were you i'd start simple by trying to pedal kick up a curb, not hard. Then once you can do that every time go for a couple of pallets, you will find that you can't keep pedal kicking up stuff with ease. Thats when you start to learn how to "up" things, i'm not entirely sure on what its actually called, but thats the way i went around it. Try trashzen for some help mate
I'm 14, i can cook most general thing there is out there, IE a cake, pasta, pizza, eggs etc. Thing is i can never be arsed. I believe most teenage lads can cook, its just they can't be arsed