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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. Bongo that was the tits! I need a bmx damnit!
  2. nice pics mate just learn how to spell pics lol only kiddin. Keep it up
  3. Barbra


    Just a guess....have you been watching 'My name is earl' by any chance? lol I believe to an extent. Not fully though.
  4. Wehey a reply. Cheers tom. Come one people there must be some of you that want to ride with us. I know thers plenty that want to ride us but thats for a different day. COME ON!
  5. Then again i'd much rarther people keep writing new topics about them being "new" and having a few questions on the sport so they can learn. Rarther than pointless topics by p**cks who don't even bother to read the first post
  6. Barbra

    Mod Bike

    my mate is about the same hight and a zoo is fine with him
  7. nooby question but is this ride newcastle upon tyne or under lyme?
  8. Your bike oh and get me my goddamn pump back damnit
  9. I think your thinking dirty but i can't figure it out so i'm going to keep quiet
  10. i did 2 clicks...damn you JT
  11. oh my god 250 squid damnit i wanted some as well
  12. http://www.break.com/index/jumpinaround30.html That is so cool!! How many of you want a pair, i know i sure as hell do
  13. D**K HEADS!! anybody up for a recon Knutton ride
  14. Barbra

    Gaming Forum

    tell him to take runescape off the forum. How can you class that as a game
  15. pics are shit. the riding is pretty swish though
  16. yea and me, then pick him up and drop him in a canal
  17. yes its possible. I can't do it but its possible
  18. i'd say nice basic colours, like black or silver as said before.
  19. i'm still keeping my eyes peeled for them bikes...have you had any luck? make sure you check ebay mate as for chavs it all depends..if your a childhood friends with say 6 of them then to you some of them are going to be sound and not all are going to be w@nkers. As for people who only see them when they are acting above everyone else. Stealing etc they are just complete nob headed oafs
  20. turn your monitor upside down that was quality...i wanna go snowboarding so bad
  21. HAHA!! what a noob......not that i did it either lol Had my t - mag for a while now...they are really sweet bikes...but my friend has a zoo python and it will obviously lack in comparison to it, but when i go on it i can't help thinking that the t mag is holding me back. Although to be fair if your just starting out 'twill serve you well for a while!!
  22. Right so i'm in engineering, i'm supposed to be doing my coursework but instead i'm having a petty arguement about which is better, a top of the range pc or a ps3. I'm telling my friend that a top of the range pc will p**s all over a ps3 graphic wise. He seems to think a ps3 has better graphics. So if someone could shed some light on the situation please tell him he's wrong now
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