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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. why don't you just glue your lips to his arse....kiss up. It really wasn't that funny I have a good spec t - mag gettin a zona zip for my birthday though...w00t
  2. or get world of warcraft...much better use of your time
  3. Please post a picture i love them dogs
  4. bike: Onza T - Mag type: Mod Pros: weight(but thats every trial bike really) cons: short..and the downtube dents easily recommend? YEA!! if your willing to pay a little bit extra for a bike with a disc
  5. Where can you get zona's for £160
  6. some good riding but the songs really were shite
  7. best not see me on that bloody bmx...i hope its good...dan will get beaten for crap editing if not Stefans tyre fold was a beast lol
  8. Barbra

    Picture War

    The whole population of them ontop of the thermite. Who cares if it won't get rid of the thermite
  9. goddamn i'm the only sentimental bas***d here that thought it was sly on him
  10. Barbra

    Picture War

    Torpedo that dams ass!!
  11. DJ Cammy - evertime we touch PPK - Ressurection
  12. You still can't change your username when your validated. Can you?
  13. That vids well good!!! I have many vids so ive chosen 3. not in any specific order of favoriteism. 1)CLS never seen 2) Sam Holmes vid 2 3) do the goon again
  14. Is it cls!!! i know your obsessed with that guy
  15. if i were pro i'd hug you back and grab your ass, whisper softly in your ear "see you later baby" - That will put you off hugging pros for life
  16. echo easy! wtf is this frame i aint heard of it yet. I can't find it on that link you posted either is it mod or stock?
  17. you really are too nice luke lol. Ive never seen you bitch or critisize (sp?) i didn't like the start but then it got betterer, Its slightly repetitive, pretty good though mate
  18. on foot. He's meeting his "friend"
  19. Finally someone is actually coming to stoke! EDIT: oh in the week. Yes sure i'll just have to fix my bike. Won't take two mins
  20. whats the mod bike on the first page? photo's were ok
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