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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. HOLY TESTICLE TUESDAY!!! what a complete nutter :|
  2. them new tensile freewheels look like they'll do the job...i'd rarther wait and get one of them. Especially for half the price of the eno
  3. what a cones? :$ :$ i'll never know if i don't ask right
  4. goin round my whole class in IT now so you can obviously count on my 30 odd votes lol
  5. ok mines a good en Q. "oi mate can i have a go of your bike" A. "errr...NO!" to which they must so obviously reply with "don't be cheeky you willy or i'll knock you off it" to which i reply with. "yea ok" and ride of smoothly Another good one..."wheres your chair" i just ignore that one because its my mum and dad and a friends mum and dad that say chair lol.
  6. really doesn't bother me...half english...half irish...i have english family...i have family in ireland...i have a house in england where my bedroom looks like a farm...my irish half own a farm. Need i go on lol good for ireland but england are playing shite lately
  7. Better yet ask someone politely to sticky it
  8. As for your pictures...very snazy lol i quite like them..and is your camera good? sounds daft but i know naf all and my mum just bought the same one.
  9. "post a pic of your...." topics Not that i posted one
  10. Could somebody please explain what the difference is between a fixed hub and a free hub apart from the price tag. I'm thinking about a new wheelbuild and i was wondering which would be best suited for the job. So if people could as well as explaining what the difference is between them also explain some of the good points and bad points of either, and which one they personally would go for, please justify why you would go for that hub as well thanks
  11. you want to see a pic of his ballbag and me I aint had any bad bails on a trials bike yet..its either i'm a pussay and don't go big enough or i get lucky and i just manage to save myself.
  12. i don't know if this will help alot..but i ride mod..i have a t mag and my friend has a zoo python, his bike is so much nicer all around, and that has a high bb. It must have some similarities(sp?) with stock.
  13. That site looks pretty sound Where do you go snowboarding?
  14. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    Thanks a bundle If i don't find a job i'm sure i'll get that much for my bday...down side is its in july EDIT: Yea..i looked into wethepeople and they look quite tastey. I'll have to see how much i get for my birthday then decide unless in the mean time i manage to find a job.
  15. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    ive read a couple of pages of this topic so if i missed the answer to my question i'm sorry! What is a good bike for a budget of £200 - £300 or am i looking at getting more....it would help if i had a job (i'm only 14 and theres no paper jobs) so any suggestions on that too lol
  16. Thanks for pissing all over my camp fire guys lol
  17. Lol sorry to everyone i lied before i did 2 mpg's 1 Avi and 1 wmv. the wmv didn't work. sorry. So for further notice wmv isn't convertable just download another converter that will convert wmv to mpeg or something like that
  18. Any online programs/forums or whatever that can teach a noobie? Also any online tuners...i have an aucoustic dad won't let me have an electric one until i prove i'm going to stick with it
  19. i'll be 24 but if i told you what i'll be doing..i'll have to kill you
  20. first of all you need some way of getting the video to your phone...I use a bluetooth dongle which i picked up from argos for £10. Once you have your way of getting things to your phone you need to download a converter from here i downloaded the zip file..extract etc. once extracted go into the folder and double click "setup" where you should get a box like this.. go to the dropdown menu and select english...for obvious reasons. Once you have done that the box should now look err english...so now you understand what its telling you click "general: 3GPP+AMR General setting" then click apply. Once you've clicked apply that box should disappear..Then you need to go back to your folder and select 3PG converter. and yet again another box will appear. BEFORE dragging your file into the obvious place on this box you need to select "QCIF normal quality 15fps mono" It then automatically converts once you've dragged it in there. You then need to go to where it saves. Which is the "desktop" For me and one of my friends at least. Then send away via your bluetooth dongle or what other way you have come up with to send. Unless you have some amazing phone that can play normal format video's then this guide should be good. I have a sony ericsson k700i and it works perfectly for my phone. Don't worry too much about memory because the converter will decrease the size of the file dramatically. If you think this guide is lacking anything please feel free to tell me (nicely) and make sure you read the whole post before complaining EDIT: Ive tried 4 video's so far and 3 of them work...so at the moment its got a pretty high success rate...i'm still trying to find out why it wouldn't let me do the one that didn't work. Sorry amesbury it just didn't want your vid lol - and remember if you want to convert wmv you need to convert wmv to mpg using a different converter
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