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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. you got that totally wrong mate lol most people i know that are serious about bmxing have bikes over £400 at least I had a friend who skateboards and his skateboard was worth £160 Its just because that Trials Riding isn't as popular a sport as most of the others...and to be honest most trials riders arn't helpfull enough. They are to other trials riders, but if i had a little more help i could've started trials 2 years before when i did. Anyway that doesn't matter now. I think trials is seen as the underdog of 'extreme sports' at the moment. People see us as irresponsible(sp?) wreckless teenagers that enjoy wrecking other peoples properties and damaging the public pathways walls whatever it is we ride on. Oh yea i forgot to say. Theres only like 3 trials riders that live near to me. My friend said Danny b lives near to me but i'm not sure where he lives so i can't say
  2. Barbra

    New Tattoos

    Well i'm 14 (soon to be 15) and i don't think that people should tell me what i can and can't do with my body to be honest...if i want a tattoo i'll get one. My dad doesn't mind me having one as long as it isn't somewhere thats going to be shown when i get old and wrinkley. My mum says i'm too young....but i know i'll get something that means something to me, and i can take pain so that isn't my issue. I just don't think people should be telling me what i can and can't do with my body. I'll do what i like DAMNIT! ok enough of the rant....cool tats
  3. so have we got meet everyone in castle because hanley is closer to stoke station
  4. Yo dude...you can buy an ipod shuffle for 50 squid my friend. They hold 230 odd songs i think so they arn't that bad Look on the official site for further details. i'm at school and they have lots of gay security bollocks that block sites and right click and what not. You can't even use the 'run' command.
  5. Neither of them links worked for me
  6. i was gonna ask the simple question of....how do you get a girlfriend? because i suck but reading through this i'm not actually sure its worth having a girlfriend . Is it worth getting a girlfriend even though it may end badly? Could someone please reply to both my questions If you need more detail...i don't see how but if you do just ask because its a little late for me to be typing out an essay like all you other guys
  7. i'll probably try it with my plaz's if i get new pads
  8. BEN you know damn well your getting your arse down I'll be there doods...with my badly bodged brake
  9. Was the fighting between bmxers and chavs..or just bmxers and bmxers? Or just random blokes they found in the street good video none the less
  10. Ahhh cool...perhaps when i eventually get enough money to buy a bmx i'll ride with you...show you how to ride like a novice Although i can bunnyhop 180 my mates dk...i know, its so hardcore
  11. pm zoo! i know he did his mate...looks pretty swish as well
  12. Ah sheet dude...we could have gone as well. ennit blud please from now on could people put newcastle upon tyne or newcastle under lyme please. because i'm sick of asking which your on aboot lol thankies
  13. its probably just the 05 model but he's bought it in 06 and he thinks its an 06 when in reality its an 05 but he doesn't know this yet because he's only just bought it
  14. i absoloutely think that new members not being able to post for sale and wanted posts is absoloutely ridiculous...i mean a member could mess somebody about just as much as a new member could so why the hell is this a rule? I for one think that forsale/wanted threads should be allowed in the new members chat section of the forum should be allowed. Nobody on here would feel that they shouldn't be able to post for sale/wanted threads in the nmc if they were still new members... so why make it a rule?
  15. couldn't be bothered to trail through 16 pages in hope it will be already in here so sorry if it is but... What is the song in bongo's vid? this is the cube of joyfullness btw
  16. Nice liam! perhaps if i buy a hub you can build my wheel for me
  17. Not trying to be a twat but, do you still actually do trials?
  18. Barbra

    f**k Bmx!

    A post by bongo is a post worth reading
  19. Barbra

    f**k Bmx!

    Most of you are slaggin this guy off saying he looks stupid. But i thought it looked amazing, i'd probably die if i tried to do that on a scooter. Well good vid, i hope he gets sponsored
  20. puzzled me too I came back on and the first thing i thought was i'm doing BTEC Engineering at school...its the one subject i'm passing
  21. depends what kind of school you go to really...at my school if you left your bike locked up no matter how good the lock they'd take everything that wasn't locked up and batter whats left
  22. the first thing that came into my head was "whats the first thing thats going to come into my head"
  23. Barbra


    My main nickname is barber...last name really sucks Lots of people call me nay - first name is nathan but to be honest you can shout what you like because i'd be the only twat dumb enough to turn around.
  24. the only way i know how to change the colour is to right click on the icon, properties, advanced, and compress....it makes the text blue and hardly compresses the file....but obviously some icons it won't work with. It works with media and folers i know that much
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