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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. sounds like a plan! I would because it would make the womens trials scene better, And it would make the trials scene in general alot bigger/better.
  2. They just look like gay chavs lol. If any of them started you, they look like the type of person to get hit and have their jaw broke and run home crying, they don't even look rough! Perhaps us stokies should get down huh dave? lol
  3. Barbra


    quick turn this into a 'official drummers thread' before someone says, OMGODZ!!!11oneone1one best of the internet. I wouldn't be coordinated enough to play the drums.
  4. because i'm a cheap skate and my parents can barely afford a zip. And instead of just saying "get a job" you should of looked at my profile and realised i'm 14, and before you come up with a whitty response like "paper job" they're all taken, or, "market job" them tight arses pay like 5 pound every sunday for like 4 hours work
  5. Barbra


    your around the same hight as me and i currently ride a t-mag, thats 1000mm wheelbase (i think) I feel that i need a longer bike now i know more about trials, so i'm buying a zip, over the week off holiday ive been none stop riding and football and i can safely say ive got a fair bit of back ache and i think its from the short bike. I ride my bike and i think its crap lol, thats probably because i ride my mates (Zoo ) zoo! python quite often and that just feels like the tits when i'm riding it, its better for gaps, sidehops, wheel swaps. The only thing i find more difficult to do is to rear wheel up things, then again i only have ago usually in like 10 - 15 minute bursts when we ride town once a week and thats if it isn't raining! So to draw my post to a conclusion, i'd say go for a long bike and don't look back my friend
  6. they're shit bikes...ive got one and i liked it for a while and now i feel its really holding me back and i want something longer, they dent like they're made out of...erm...something that dents really easy, tin can. I hate the geo on mine though, that would be my main problem! ive finally nagged my parents enough to get me a new frame anyway so, yay, i'm getting a zip
  7. both links are awsome. although the skavenger vid was a bit to gangstar for me
  8. theres a pad review thread you know....
  9. i did like the football match, other than that i was rarther disappointed with it. I think we should bombard their staff with crazy ideas for the show in the form of e-mail!!! yes, that deserved THREE exclamation marks
  10. what about the crazy guy from the insane asylum on his girls bike you never know! Teabag is such a tard, i'd probably hit him in real life if i saw him lol. I can't believe i have to wait till next year to watch the rest. I suppose i could download the rest of the series, but then it'd take longer and longer each time as more and more of the series comes out
  11. Barbra

    Your Hot Tap

    both my taps in my bathroom, bath and sink, the hot tap is on the right and on my kitchen sink its on the right so...obviously i voted left right?
  12. bums against the walls lads
  13. i'm officially scared to go on a dj ride now Spank you, Spank you very much!
  14. No you won't wreck your rim lol, theres an instructional video somewhere about how to grind your rim, soon as i can afford a new hub i'm building my new hub on my old onza rim, lush grind on that
  15. lol yea i had to cake it on because of the bodge...its all gone now though i promise...i'll grind it when i can be arsed...i'm a bit of a lazy fag
  16. i know my firefox plugin for imageshack isn't working properly fixing it now
  17. I hate how short it is, other than that its been quite a good ride for the time being zona zip in a month though may as well show you my excellent break bodge its only got last me till july EDIT: pics work now
  18. i'm exactly the same...i can listen to anything although some classical music gets on my tits, i have a huge range of songs that i like, i used to love happy hardcore stuff but ive gone off that sort of music a little bit
  19. yea i'd do that if i was you! You never know if you don't try
  20. is that moorsey? has he gone to mod why was i not informed! As for that, it was rarther huge, i expected him to have broken his back or something lol, trust him get lucky i'd of been paralised
  21. drops a fair size mate nice one And theres plenty of topics on the sidehop technique, so to save anybody else typing heres what they're gonna say. "use the 'search' button noob" or something along those lines
  22. that is forking quality...he must think marks a rate bitch and good on him for being a bitch
  23. it doesn't count, i wouldn't feel a sense of achievement if i tried to do something but had to hop back off what i was trying to do plus what ali C pointed out about comps
  24. rode all the way hanchurch woods on my dirt jump bike...ended up going down a really really steep hill, not a problem? it is when you have no breaks, i turned up this little hill to slow myself down so i could stop and get all the shit from my pants, but i ended up hitting this 4ft jump i front flipped my bike 16 ft into a tree i hurt my knee but i came out of it pretty well, i was able to walk home, the frame bent forks snapped handlebars snapped the stem snapped, wheels were fine chain snapped, and a pedal fell off
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