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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. HAHA Leg-end unlucky dood
  2. i think we all know of someone who has god rest his soul
  3. ^likes to experiment <never eats breakfast \/Wants a 24
  4. ^lied about scratching of head <everyone loves owls? \/Felt their balls while thinking of me
  5. Barbra

    Bmx Questions

    half decent second hand bmx for £100 is it do'able? i don't have much money, so once ive sold my frame and got my zip i'll have about 100 - 150 squids left to buy a bmx with
  6. its not soccer its football!!! i think most of us will be keeping up with the football, but you'll get a lot of the people on here saying that they hate football and they don't want England win, but they like to be different like everyone else tries to be. If the sport was bigger in America then they probably would have a dogs bollocks team, but as it stands, they don't. I've seen freestyle video's of Americans playing football, but most the tricks they can do, so can i EDIT: If you move, don't move to this country, we get shit weather, lots of nob heads and told off for riding bikes without seats. Plus Tony Blair is a big fag
  7. Barbra

    Viz Distribution

    don't trust him he joined on the, 06/06/06 Cool...get coming with the pictures
  8. oh my god i want to be different like everybody else does so i'm gonna say, i really hoped England lost Why say that crap, whether you like football or not it would be good for England to win Anyway, i'm going to assassinate that ref, the paraguay bum bandit, and i'll probably be assassinating Paredes as well, he's just a fouling bas*ard and he gets away with it 1-0 Stupid decision taking owen off though
  9. 3 widescreens...2 normal ones
  10. i rode with butler a couple of days ago, and a few of my friends. I loved it so much, Dave butler, Danny's dad, Helped me to drop in a bowl that i was scared of doing, Everyone was just getting along, my bike didn't die, and i was out till 10:30 on a school night
  11. aye england kick off is at 2 i think
  12. i don't hate it. And i am definetly watching the football
  13. your all wrong Irn bru bikes ***!!!
  14. you sir should promote an adidas advert
  15. when i rode brum and he was there i didn't bother looking at his brake setup .... i was too busy looking at his arse *drools* joke i should have a zona zip soon... i'll post pics of that in the form of a new topic once i have it, having my old ground rim built upon my new hub as well
  16. thats almost as good as my brake bodge but not quite there EDIT: actually i only just noticed everything you did to it after a close examination...its alot better than mine ive been beaten
  17. the same but swithc the fonz and mr t i pitty the foo' who doesn't put mr t at the top of their list!
  18. before asking prices and that on the forum..you really should check out a site which sells them a couple of good ones off the top of my head are, tartybikes.co.uk, mjcycles.com and selectbikes.com EDIT: check in the FAQ for more
  19. Stokes shity council won't give you naf all the pevish tight bastards..i hate them all i think its doeable.
  20. damn that sucks and your literally going to be crawling I'm still up for the ride.
  21. no the zoo python is not longer they both have 1045wb, the only difference is that the zip has a +55bb rise whereas the python has a +50bb rise. At the end of the day why buy a python for £270 when you can buy more or less the same bike performance wise for £160? I'd say definetly change from the t-bird to the zip, because if your anything like me your hating how short it is and you want something longer.
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