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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. I live like 2 minutes away from staffs uni so are you leaving from stoke station? meet me and amesbury there if you are
  2. I remember a while ago there was a site, which helped you with your train/journey, it was like the AA route planner but with trains and no directions. If anybody could give me the URL i'd give you a big kiss if i saw you at a ride sometime ps. I posted it here because this is where it was in the first place. Oh and i did use the search
  3. if my new gear comes and i have some cash i might attend
  4. [attachmentid=5331] I so win paper teeth not real lol
  5. erection lies beneath (what) erection room (panic) erection (braveheart) erection by the dozen (cheaper)
  6. ok ok..no arguing now i promise i wont' try to start one. I don't see how putting zoo baby, is going to be such a trouble at the end of a post, its not exactly going to hurt anybody. on topic: I have nobody on my ignore list. Oh and siders i might be installing bf2 soon
  7. so you've added zoo! just on the basis of what other people said? That makes no sense what so ever. Please add me i'll feel so special And as for Profile, he's a real sound guy and has actually helped me a few times, Got a problem with my post? add me to msn.
  8. Daniel your a star now...could you tell me if they said that they could do it for you?
  9. please help him, i want to know too
  10. i'm pretty sure you can get em from ebay from somewhere on ebay anyway
  11. nothing like that pic of porters balls you all tried to forget but i won't let you pics are awsome man, looks like a well good ride, i should be attending next time i'll show you all how not to ride, joe, you will be happy to know that i'm grinding my rim in a couple of days as well
  12. wow, fank god 4 validation rulz
  13. Barbra

    Post Your Band

    Damn that is a shame i was looking forward to listening to some more But aye life does go on, where are you moving to? anywhere near stoke lol Wow they are the shit as well...not shit...the shit I'm rarther impressed with these bands fella's
  14. hold your horses ladies He's ridden a monty but still unsure whether to buy a zona or not? If your unsure after riding one then you may as well buy the other because you obviously like it Or ride a zona, then decide which one that you want I currently ride a t-mag but i feel the shortness is holding me back which is why i'm going for a zip but its all down to preference
  15. Are they I hope they are i need new ones with spacers
  16. oddly enough, i like it but i just don't think its as nice as everyone else
  17. ^was actually me in the bed not my mum and he knows it but won't admit it <that owl was filming us doing the dirty deed \/ eventually joined us and made it a threesome
  18. Barbra

    Post Your Band

    one word They are quite good and i could listen to them more than once. Ok so it wansn't one word
  19. Bigman says "come here big boys "
  20. Barbra

    Post Your Band

    will reply once ive listened mate EDIT: Really liked them songs, they were very proffesional, and i'm gonna put em in my music and listen to them more The first song reminded me of the intro to south park, i found in the first one there was too many sounds at the same time for me to handle lol. The best song would be time is not (Relevant to the future), It is awsome, i could listen to that over and over again overall nice work, i'm sure you could strike a deal with someone, and get your arses on mtv2
  21. Very, Very nice bike mate...top marks. Don't get black zoo bars Get blue ones, i saw a fully blue colour coded GU today at the Ymsa comp at carlsington i think it is, and Oh My Golly Gosh was it gorgeous
  22. ^i prefer to use the word biffa's bridge instead of gooch <as before \/fancy some sex?
  23. sorry hard with your rant! lol o j babs i have to agree with you there though my friend, apart from the chavs part, i mean yes some chavs do do that but some people just enjoy watching the football like...erm...me! I really think footballers on a wage of 9m plus a year should give 20% of their wage to a charity of their choice. EVERY YEAR.
  24. quality...bigman, you've officially got to legend status in my books ooo and best breasted I want a go of the plastic sheet thing
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